Baby time

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Today Mark Jefferson woke up with a start. He felt a contraction as he was laying down with me in his arms. I wake up cause i felt my daddy sit up.
"What's wrong daddy?"I asked him as I readjusted myself into his arms again.
"Your baby sister is trying to come today."He said to me.
"Okay I'll wake up Garnet and Vince."I said as I texted them to come to our father's room.
"What's happening?"Vince asked.
"Daddy's in labor."I said.
"Jessica I need to drive me to the hospital in your Altima. Garnet I need you to stay here with Caroline.Vince I need you to pack the bags in Jessica's car and follow us in the rolls Royce."He said as Vince went and did as he was told. I got ready and so did my daddy. We got our shoes on and stuff. I grabbed my Michael Kors purse and we headed to my car and I helped my daddy in the car and then I got into the driver's seat. Then we were off to the hospital with Zemo behind us.
"I love you princess."Mark said to me.
"I Love you too daddy."I said as I drive us to the hospital.
"Ow!"He screamed as a contraction came.
"Just breathe daddy."I said to him as I drove him to the hospital. Once we get to the hospital I get him in a wheelchair and Vince grabbed our bags out of my car and we headed up to my daddy's room in labor and delivery. We get him settled in his room and then pull out the beddand get it ready for me to sleep on.
"I'm so sorry princess."Mark said as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb.
"It's okay daddy."I said holding his hand in mine.
"Here are your keys to the Ghost."Vince said as he handed me my key to the Rolls Royce.
"Thanks bro. Here is my Altima key."I said as I handed Vince my key and he leaves to go back home.
"Ouch!!!"Mark screamed as he got another contraction. He was only seven centimeters dilated.
"Daddy. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"I asked on the verge of crying.
"I'm okay princess. No you didn't hurt me. Your okay."Daddy said as he wiped my tears away.
"Okay daddy."I said as the nurse came in with a doctor to check his dilation.
"Okay Mark. You can push on the next contraction."The doctor said as he got in position in between his legs.
"I'm here daddy."I said as I held his hand and got ready to support the man who gave me life.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"He screamed as he squeezed my hand as my sister began to crown.
"I can see the top of her head. Keep going on the next contraction."The doctor said as he got the bike syringe out to suction out her mouth and nose.
"Owww!!!!!!"He screamed as her head began to emerge and he squeezed my hand so hard I helped in pain.
"I'm so sorry princess are you okay?"He said to me as he loosens his grip on my hand.
"It's okay I know your in pain. I'll be okay daddy."I said as I continued to hold his hand.
"Okay. Light pushes to get her head out."Ghe doctor said as he got ready to catch the head.
"Ouch!!! It burns so bad!!!"He screamed as the head comes out. The doctor looks for the cord and it is joy wrapped around her neck. He suctions out her mouth and nose.
"A couple of more pushes and she will be here."The doctor said as he got ready to catch my little sister.
"I can't do this anymore. Take the pain away princess please."He cried out to me.
"You can do this daddy your the strongest man I know."I said as I cried cause I wish I could take my daddy's pain away.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!! Get her out please!!!!!"He begged as she came out and the doctor cut her cord and cleaned her up and put a diaper on her and swaddled her. He handed her to my daddy as she cries for him.
"Shhh it's okay Alanna. Daddy's here."He says to her as she calmed down. I walked away and put my AirPods in my ears and wrapped my blanket around me and I hugged my squish mellow while crying as listening to sad songs. The doctor delivers and took away the placenta. Alanna has been fed and changed and is sleeping in my daddy's arms.
"Princess. You made quite a fuss huh baby girl."He says as he holds her in his arms. I continue to sit in the corner crying and rocking back and forth. Sean Prescott walked in and sees me like this.
"Hey Mark. I think something is wrong with Jessica."Sean said as he walked up to my daddy.
"Jessica. Princess. Baby girl. Please come to daddy. Here Sean take Alanna."He said as he handed him Alanna. I run into my daddy's arms after I take off my AirPods and lay my phone and squish mellow down on the bed.
"Jess. What's wrong baby?"He asked as I continued to cry in his arms.
"I'm gonna lay Alanna down in the bassinet and then im gonna go home."Sean said as he laid Alanna down and left.
"Princess please talk to daddy."He pleaded with me.
"You were in so much pain. I couldn't take it away. I'm sorry daddy. I failed you."I said as I cried in his chest.
"Baby. You didn't fail me. You have nothing to be sorry for."he said as he held me as I cried. I cried for a couple of hours in his arms.
"Let's go to sleep."He said as he scooted over for me to lay down with him.
"Okay."I said as I laid down in his arms and went to sleep for the night. We all slept good that night.

Alanna Grace Jefferson born on May 25,2022
Weighing 9lbs 12oz and is 20 inches long.

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