I start teething

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Today I was not feeling good because my gums hurt me so bad. I cried for my daddy because I just wanted to be comforted and held. He came in there and picked me up along with my pacifier and my pink blanket with my initials on it. He was comforting me because he knew that my gums were bothering me and he couldn't do anything because my teething ring and other pacifier wasn't frozen yet.
"I know princess but there is nothing I can do about it yet." He said to me.
I was crying because it hurt and I wanted it to stop.
"Shhh princess I know it hurts but there is nothing I can do make it stop. Here let's go sit down in the recliner and I'll fed you because I know your hungry." He said to me. Mark Jefferson hates that he couldn't make the pain stop. We went and sat in the recliner and he fed me his milk. After I ate he changed me and put a bib on me. We went back and sat in the recliner. He was rocking me. He had gotten my frozen pacifier out the freezer. I was sucking on it and I fell asleep in his arms. We stayed like the rest of the day.

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