Garnet's first night at home

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Tonight is garnet's first night at home and it is going ok. I start crying to be held and comforted because I am having a separation anxiety attack and Garnet is crying because she is hungry. While my daddy is feeding Garnet my cries just get louder and louder.
"Jessica daddy's coming in a minute sweet heart just give a couple of minutes princess."He said to me. After Garnet was done eating he burped her and changed her and rocked her to sleep. He laid her down in her bassinet and he came over to me and picked me up in his arms and he sat down  in the recliner and started rocking me.
"Shhh princess daddy's got you baby girl shhh daddy's sorry baby girl shhhh don't cry baby daddy hates it when you cry for me sweetheart shhhh I got you now baby girl shhhh." He said to me as I calmed down in his arms. He got himself ready for bed and me and garnet ready for bed. He laid garnet down in her bassinet and he laid me down in my crib in the nursery. Garnet slept majority of the night. I woke up crying for my daddy to come and rock me to sleep in his arms and cuddle me tonight as I slept. He got up out of the bed and held me in his arms he started swaying back and forth trying to soothe my cries.
"Shh princess daddy's got you now shhh go to sleep baby girl shhh baby girl shhh you can come sleep with daddy princess shhhh." He said to me as I fell asleep in his arms. He took me and laid me down in the bed beside him. He got in the bed next to me and laid on his side and he put his hand on my back and went back to sleep. We all slept the whole night.

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