His first ultrasound

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(Time skip cause I can.)
Today is the day that Mark sees his baby for the first time. He was so excited because he was already showing a lot now.
"I can tell your going to be a big baby." He said to his baby bump.
He got ready to leave and he went out to his car and left to go to his first ultrasound to see the baby. He gets to the office and gets himself checked in. He sat down and looked at his phone while he was waiting. Once he got called back he was put in the room. Once the doctor was in there he was told to lay down on the table and hold his shirt up.
"We actually find out the gender to day." The doctor said.
"I want to know the gender of my baby." He said.
"Well you are having a baby girl and she is happy and healthy." She said.
"I'm so happy." He said.
Once the appointment was over he went home thinking of what to name his baby girl.
"Her name will be Jessica Elizabeth Jefferson." He said to himself.
After that he wrote down the name so he would not forget it.

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