Labor and delivery

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Today Mark Jefferson woke up to a sharp pain in his stomach. He passed it off to Braxton hicks contractions. Throughout the day he kept getting them frequently. A pain hit him out of no where and it was more painful than the others he had previously.

"Maybe if I get in the bath it will help with the pain."He said to himself. He gets in the tub to help with the pain. He started to relax but then a pain hit him like a ton of bricks and he got out of the tub and got himself dressed and grab the bag. He got the bag in the car and he got himself in the driver's seat and buckled himself in and he started the car.

"Time to go bring you into the world baby girl."He said to me as he drove off to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital he got checked in and he was lead up to his room where he changed into a hospital gown. The doctor came in to check his progress and he was dilated to 6 centimeters and his water had not broken yet. So Mark Jefferson got up and walked around. All of a sudden he got a really painful contraction and he heard a pop and a gush of fluids came out that meant his water broke. He got back in the bed and called the doctor. The doctor came in to check on him and he was dilated to 10 centimeters it was time for him to push his child out. The doctor got him ready to push so he could meet his baby girl.

"Ok mark on the next contraction I need you to push."The doctor told.

"Ahhhh!!!This hurts so much!!!!"Mark said as he gripped the railings of the bed and bore down.

"Ok that was a good push Mark.This time when you push I want you to grab the back of your legs and curl up around the baby."The doctor told him.

"Owwww!! I CAN FEEL HER HEAD!!!!"Mark said as he grabbed the back of his legs and sat up and pushed.

"Her head is out it won't be too much longer until you hold your daughter in your arms. Im going to twist her a little bit so her shoulders can come out."The doctor said as he got ready to twist me.

"OUCH THAT HURTS SO MUCH!!!"Mark said as my shoulders come out.

"One more push and she will be here."The doctor said as he cleaned my top half off and suctioned my mouth.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!GET HER OUT OF ME!!!!!!!"Mark screamed as I came out crying into the doctor's arms and he cut my cord and laid me on my daddy's chest so he could clean me off.

"shh princess daddy's got baby girl."He said to me as he delivered the placenta and the doctor takes me to put a diaper on me and swaddle me after he checks my height and weight. He hands me back to my daddy who is happy to take me back in his arms.

"Jessica Elizabeth Jefferson."He said as he kissed me on my head.

"Jessica Elizabeth Jefferson born on May 26,2004 at 12:06 am weighing 9 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long born to Mark Jefferson.She has separation anxiety from you as long as she lives."The doctor told him as he showed him how to breastfeed me and burp me. After I was done eating and he burped me and held me in his arms.

"Im your Daddy princess you grew inside of me for 9 months."He said to me. He took me and changed my diaper and he laid me in my bassinet. I woke up crying for my Daddy to hold me.

He comes over there and picks me up in his arms and holds me in his arms as he goes back to his bed and calms me down in his arms.

"Shh princess daddy has you baby girl shh princess you can go back to sleep in my arms daddy's got you know baby girl."He said to me as I fell back asleep in his arms.

"It was traumatic coming out of me huh baby girl."He said to me as he laid down with me on his chest so he could et some sleep. Principal wells comes and meets me tomorrow and see how my daddy is doing after he had me.

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