Separation anxiety attack

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Today I was sitting in my bouncer and chewing on my teething toys. Mark Jefferson was in the living room sitting on the couch. I start crying to be held and comforted. He came over there unstrapped me from the bouncer. He held me close to him and started rubbing my back and talking to me soothingly.
"Shhh I'm here princess daddy's got you shhhhh it's okay shhhh your okay shhhh." He said to me.
I calmed and was holding on to him. He just held me while I slept. I woke up and he fed me. After he fed me he ate his dinner and then we went to his bedroom and got ready for bed. After we got ready for bed we went and got in his bed. He laid me down on the other side of the bed and then he got in bed next to me. I went to sleep laying next to my daddy and then he went to sleep next to me.

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