Separation anxiety attack 2.0

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Today we were watching principal Wells' daughter because he had something he needed to do. My daddy had her in his arms and was rocking her to sleep. I was playing in the floor with my toys. All of a sudden I started to cry really loudly. My daddy heard me having an attack and he couldn't come right away to pick me up and that made him feel bad. He sat Avianna down in the crib so she could sleep and then he ran to where I was and picked me up in his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder and I was still crying but not as loud. He walked to the recliner and sat down in it and laid me down on his chest. I was still crying a little bit into his chest getting his shirt wet. He started rocking me and talking to me sweetly.
"Shhh princess shhhh your all right shhhh I got you now princess shhh I will never let you go shhh I will always love you shhh." He said to me as I fell asleep on his chest and holding onto him. After a little while of us cuddling principal Wells walks in and picks up Avianna out of the crib.
"Did Jessica have an attack?" He asked my daddy.
"She did and I felt bad I couldn't pick her up right away and she cried for me." He said.
"I know you love her and hate to hear her cry for you I hate it too." He said to him.
"Yeah but she's okay now." He said while rubbing my  back with his hand. They talked for a little then principal Wells and Avianna went home and left me and him to cuddle after my attack.

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