Chapter 8

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Abby's POV

*slight time jump*

We landed in the Sydney airport and were greeted by a bunch of fans as well as our families. We took loads of pictures, and I even got to talk to some of the girls. "Are you Abby?" A girl, about sixteen, asked me while walking up to me. "I am! And who are you?" I asked, smiling. "Kendra," She replied, smiling. "That's a beautiful name!" I replied. "Awe thanks! Can I get a picture with o please?" Kendra asked. "Of course!" I said, getting in a funny pose for a funny picture before we took a normal smiling picture. "Thank you so much," Kendra said, giving me a hug. "Aw, you're welcome!" I replied, hugging her back.

"You're so sweet! Honestly, people judge you too quickly for dating Ashton and don't see you for who you are!" Kendra said before leaving. I found Kalee and rushed up to her so we wouldn't get lost. There were so many girls our age that it was easy to be overlooked as a fan. Michael was holding Mya close so she wouldn't get pushed around and Colleen and Calum were holding hands. Ashton grabbed my hand and Lilly and Layal were already with their families. Tristan was working on new music on England with the other guys from The Vamps, and Rosie was with Brad. As the rest of the girls cleared out, I saw our families. Mali Koa rushed over to Colleen to talk since she'd known her as long as Colleen had known Cal and because she was Cal's girlfriend. "Here comes Harry!" I told Ashton as the smallest Irwin came running towards us.

Ashton let go of my hand and gave Harry a hug, excited to see his little brother. "Hi Lauren," I said as Lauren came uo to us. I hugged her and then hugged Harry while Ashton hugged Lauren. I gave Anma a hug then greeted Karen. "Hi!" I said, giving her a hug then standing by Michael. "Abby, you already look so much taller! How's that possible?" She asked. I just shrugged and smiled. "It has been months since we've seen each other," I said. "Yeah, well, we should get your bags." She said as we walked to the baggage claim. "Have you lost your American accent?" Mali-Koa asked. "Nearly, I've been with Aussies for months!" I replied.

"Kalee has a mix between British and Australian, it's confusing to new people!" I said with a laugh. "Yeah, I suppose it'd be hard to understand if you don't know her," Mali said as she helped us get our bags. "It's a bit confusing even knowing her," Colleen replied as we headed to the cars. "Yeah, it's just strange. Even for me, I have to repeat things a lot," Kalee said, making us laugh. "That would get annoying quick," Mali Koa said, directing us towards the cars. "It does, but I try not to mind," Kalee said as we got to the cars. We put our things in the trunks before getting in the cars. I was next to Ashton and behind Michael, who was next to his mum. Ashton was next to his mum and his siblings were in the backseat.

Colleen was with Calum, his mum, Mali, and their dad, and Kalee because she wanted to talk to Mali. Lilly and Layal were with their families and Luke was with his mum, dad, and Jack and Ben. It didn't take very long to get to home, and we all got our suitcases in place and settled in. Michael and I were sharing a room again, and I'm not sure where everyone else is. I was jetlagged, so I plopped down on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

So this was a very very short chapter but I am going to update again soon (hopefully, if not then soz!) And anyways ilyasm, plz comment, vote, all that fluff!

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