Chapter 11

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Abby's POV

Slight time skip to Abby and Ashton's trip!

"Carry on my wayward son! There'll be peace when you are done! Lay your weary head to rest! And don't you cry no more!" Ashton sang, saying the words perfectly. "You really like this song, don't you?" I asked him. "Yeah! It's absolutely perfect, I love Kansas!" Ashton said happily, making me laugh. We were in New Zealand, arriving at the parking lot of the hiking grounds. "Ready to go?" He asked as we parked. "I've been ready since you told me about this trip!" I replied excitedly. "So have I! Let's go," He replied as we got out of the car. We got our bags out of the car, since we would be gone for about a week, then checked into the front. "Hi, we're taking the week long hike," Ashton told the man at the desk.

"Okay, please sign in with this and then go through the back door," the man said cheerfully as he handed Ashton a clipboard and pen. Ashton put our names. The current date, and the date we expected to be back. This way, if we didn't return, they would know to look for us. "Okay, let's go Ab," Ashton said, putting the clipboard and pen back on the counter and grabbing my hand. We walked to the back door like the man said and left for our hike. "Welcome to New Zealand! I've heard nothing but good things about the scenery, it's supposed to be beautiful!" Ashton said. "I didn't want to look at any pictures and ruin the beautiful sight," I replied as we headed down the worn path.

"Well I wanted to make sure it looked beautiful before I took my beautiful girlfriend out here," Ashton replied, making me blush hard. "How is it we've come so far and you still give me butterflies?" I asked, looking down at my lavender tennis shoes. "Because we are still so in love," he replied. "I still have that massive crush I had when I first saw you. I still want to do everything in my power to make you happy," He continued. "Awe, Ash!" I replied, blushing harder. "If anything, my crush has developed into undying love that I would stop the world for," I replied. "No one can ever take this love away," I said, smiling. If anyone else was this lovey-dovey to someone else when I was single, I would have been grossed out but now I didn't care.

"Never," Ashton replied, giving my hand a quick squeeze. I blushed again, as well as mentally curse myself for blushing so much. We continued our hike while saying random sweet things to each other, taking turns making each other blush. "This is already so beautiful!" I said, looking at the beautiful scenery around us. There were so many trees and bright plants. We stopped walking to take it all in: the scent, the beauty, just everything! It was so amazing and so different from the busy life in the concrete jungle I was used to. There were no words to describe what I saw other than beautiful. Ashton let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist, causing me to giggle as he started spinning me around in circles.

"Ash! Stop!" I jokingly screamed in between laughs. "I'm gonna be dizzy!" I shouted, unsure if we were still spinning quickly, slowing down, or stopping all together. The World still looked like it was spinning, so I slowly sat, well stumbled, down and lied down on the ground. My head was now hurting from the dizziness, so I held it in my hands. "Abby? You okay?" Ashton asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Dizzy," I mumbled. "Very, very dizzy!" I whispered, feeling sick. "I'm sorry for spinning you around like that and making you dizzy," he replied. "It's fine," I replied,opening my eyes slowly. "I get dizzy pretty easily," I continued, slowly standing with Ashton's help.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I had federation but I'm going to state!!!! Anyways, it's spring break so I can update my books! Ilyasm! Vote, comment, all that fluff!

*cue Troye wink* BYYYYYYYYEEEEE

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