Chapter 19

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Abby's POV 

After a long skype call with Cody, we had worked on about three songs and became friends, which is awesome. Dan helped some and Maxx and Zach stopped by to meet us in a way. It was about a week after and eight o'clock at night. Ashton and I had a date planned so I was wearing my All Time Low shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans since we were only going to the studio movie grill. He came to pick me up and when I walked outside he looked at my shirt as if he was afraid I was going to leave him for one of them. "What?" I asked, looking at my choice of clothes. "Nothing," he said, sighing. I sighed, too, closing the car door and putting on my seatbelt. We've been drifting apart faster than I thought was possible, and now it felt like we were hanging on by a string. We just didn't seem to enjoy the other's presence as much as we used to, even though it felt like we still wanted to be together. "What movie are we seeing again?" I asked. "You don't even remember?" he asked, his voice half sadness and half annoyance. "I forgot, i'm sorry!" I replied with a snap to my tone. "Whatever," he mumbled. "So you're not even going to answer me?!" I asked, the snap now very clear. 

"Why are you even mad at me? I did nothing wrong, Ashton!" I asked. "I'm not mad, i'm juust dissapointed," he said. "Really, cause you sound pretty freakin' annoyed!" I replied. "Because you're gonna run off to all those other band guys!" he said. "Where did you get that idea?! I'm not you, i'm not going to run off for some model!" I replied. "What? Who--oh my God, Bryana?!" He asked. "See you even know who i'm talking about! If someone asked you 'hey, who's that girl you've been with' would you answer her or me?" I asked, and he pulled over. we hadn't even made it out of the neighborhood yet, but we were already arguing. Small fights like these had been happening since we got back from New Zealand and I don't know why. Ashton sighed instead of answering my question. "ASHTON?!" I asked again, shouting. "Oh my God," I said. "Unbelievable, you're only not answering because you're afraid to acknowledge the truth. We've been slipping apart since our trip," I said. "We have not, you've just been running around with other guys!" he shouted accusingly. "Other guys? What other guys? Stop turning this on me!" I shouted back.

 "I've been skyping guys for help writing songs, and that's it! Yes, I enjoy hanging out with them but that's friendship! That's not even something I want with you anymore, because every kind of relationship is formed around trust, and obviously you don't trust me. If you don't even trust me, how could you love me?! We're done," I shouted, opening the door and getting out of the car. "What?! No, Abby!" He shouted after me, but I didn't even turn back. "Just go to Bryana, obviously you enjoy her presence more than mine. Don't pretend to care about me anymore, I hate you," I said coldly, walking back to my house. I made it about halfway before I started crying. I covered my mouth with my hand as I walked faster to the door. "Give me another chance!" Ashton called, driving up behind me. "I DON'T LOVE YOU AND I NEVER DID!" I screamed, running home. I ran to the front door and quickly unlocked it and ran up to my room. "DON'T LET ANYONE COME TO SEE ME, ESPECIALLY NOT ASHTON!!!!" I shouted as I passed dad on the stairs. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, wishing the break up wasn't so messy. I knew I needed to be somewhere else if I didn't want to see Ashton, but I had nowhere else to go. 

My phone started buzzing and I checked it to make sure it wasn't Ashton. It was actually Chrissy facetiming me. I answered it even though I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, I knew she was in the house somehwere and dad probably wanted to make sure no one bugged me until he could figure out what was wrong. "Hey, are you okay? I heard you come in and you don't sound very happy," She said. "Honestly, i'm not okay," I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Oh, you're crying! Do you need tissues? What happened?" She asked. "Tissues would be nice, you can come up here if you want. Comfort would be great," I replied. "Okay, i'll be right there," she said. Within about five minutes, Chrissy was at my door in her lion onesie with a box of tissues. "Tell me everything, but first you should put on your onesie," she said. "Okay," I said, walking into my closet to change. I put on my stitch onesie and came out and sat on my bed. "So what happened?" she asked, handing me the box of tissues.

"We broke up," I said bluntly, taking the tissues. "Oh, I know that feeling. Was it just not working out?" She asked. "Well yeah, and we both accused each other of cheating. We can't trust each other and I honestly don't want to see him ever again," I said. "Oh, that'll be hard," Chrissy said. "Yeah, especially when he comes here whenever he wants and, oh yeah! We may tour with him," I said. "Oh, i'm so sorry. This stuff is never easy, and it's just part of life," Chrissy said. "I wish it wasn't. When we first met we'd been so in love and I could've sworn he was the one. Then again, I was ignorant. He was my first crush so of course I was convinced he was the man i'd marry. I wasn't prepared for the heartbreak," I said as Chrissy pulled me into a big hug. "You'll find someone, I promise," She said. "Just turn your pain into art, it will help you cope," She whispered. "Thank you," I replied. "I think I have ideas already forming, I think I can make this work," I said, my mood brightening a bit. "Thank you, i'm very lucky to be surrounded by such creative and helpful people," I said, smiling and hugging Chrissy again. 

Wow this was a roller coaster chapter. So thoughts on Set It Off joining the story?

 Thoughts on Chrissy Costanza? 

Thoughts on the messy Ashby split? 

Should I do another character ask with updated characters? ((i would keep anwering no matter how late the questions are))

please vote, comment, all that fluff! ilyasm!!!!!

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