Chapter 4

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Abby's POV

We stopped by the flower shop to get some beautiful roses on the way to the cemetery. The car ride was quiet, except for my constant sniffling from crying. Ashton was next to me comforting me while Michael was driving while Kalee was on my other side and Tristan was in the passenger seat infront of her. We got to the cemetery and parked on the small road that was closest to the grave. Kalee and I got out first, quickly walking towards the grave. I had to lead the way since Kalee hadn't been here before. I replaced the dead flowers that were in the metal holder with the new ones. "Hey mum. I haven't visited you in a while, so much has happened since I last talked to you." I said.

"I got adopted, first off. I have an amazing family, they take great care of me. Also, Kalee is alive! We ran into each other in England, where we lost her. Michael adopted her, he is the one who adopted me. I got a boyfriend, his name is Ashton. He and Michael are Australian, along with Calum and Luke. Kalee is dating a nice British boy named Tristan, and he plays the drums. He is really good at it, he's in a band called The Vamps. My dad and boyfriend are in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer, they're really good, too. Even Kalee and I are in a band called Nameless." I said.

"I didn't get to know you very well, but from what I've heard you were an amazing person. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better, but I know you well enough to love you. I miss you, mum," Kalee said quietly. By now we were Michael, Ashton, and Tristan were here, staring down at the grave. "I want to say something too," Michael said quietly. "Alone or..?" I asked. "Either way," He replied. "I'll let you be alone, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." I said quietly, walking farther away with Ashton next to me and Kalee holding hands with Tristan.

Michael's POV

I watched the couple's walk away before I turned back to the small grave and started talking. "I haven't really done anything like this before, but I just wanted to say a few things. Your daughters grew up to be very beautiful and talented girls that I love with all my heart. I swear on my life that I will do everything in my power to keep them safe for you. I've known Abby longer than I've known Kalee but I love them both so much. I know you did too, it seems impossible not to. But you brought these amazing girls into the world, and I will help them in it. I have slipped up a few times, but I'm getting better at this whole dad thing." I said. "Goodbye," I said.

I walked back to the car where the others were so we could leave. Cemeteries always made me sad, but I'm glad I could come today. I feel like, in a way, it allowed me to bond with the twins better. "This is what she looked like," Abby said, opening a small locket that was hanging around her neck. Inside was a small picture of a brunette woman in her early thirties or late twenties. She did look alot like Abby and Kalee and it was obvious that she had been the angel in Abby's drawing. Abby is a truly amazing artist, I just hadn't seen any of her art before today. "She looks like she was very nice," I said with a small smile. She did, she looked like a very sweet woman who would have so many stories to tell. On the other side was a picture of Kalee when she was very young. 

I just wished that I could hear them or get to know her, but instead she lives on in her beautiful and talented daughters. "She was, she never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Even if someone was being a complete jerk to her, she would just kindly deal with it. I want to be like her when I grow up. She had a beautiful voice too, but she was too shy to use it a lot." Abby replied, staring at the small picture. "You are the sweetest person I know, she must be who you get it from," I said. "Yeah. I obviously didn't get that from my father," She replied, spitting the word father like poison.

Abby closed the small locket and tucked it underneath her shirt. "Yeah, it seems impossible that you're even related." I said. "I don't want anyone to ever have to deal with a parent like that, I'm so lucky to have you!" She said, hugging me so tight it was almost painful. I hugged her back, wrapping my arms tightly across her back. "I love you so much," She whispered. "I love you more," I whispered before kissing the top of her head. "Should we get in the car now?" She asked. "Yeah, probably." I relied with a small laugh. I unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat while Abby got in the back with Ashton and Kalee and Tristan got in the passenger seat.

Tristan's POV

While Michael and Abby were talking, Ashton was a bit closer to the twins' mum's grave and I was just talking to Kalee. "I feel bad that I didn't get to know my mum better," Kalee said quietly. "Hey, it's not your fault. You had no say in how long you knew her, it was out of your control. You were so young, you probably wouldn't even know where she was," I replied, grabbing her hands in my own. "I knew she was in America but we had just recently moved to a new town so I didn't k is the name," Kalee replied. "See? You were too young to know," I said.

"I know, but when I got older I should've looked her up or something to reunite with her. I was just ignorant and didn't get enough time with her," Kalee said, taking her right hand and pulling on a chain around her neck. On the end was a small locket that she opened. On the inside was a woman who must've been her mother and a picture of Abby when she was young. "This is mum and Abby when we were separated," Kalee said sadly. "Abby has a necklace like this with me and mum, and mum has one that she was buried with. It had Abby and I in it," She said.

Kalee closed the locket and tucked it back under shirt, like Abby had done just moments before. "That's in the past now Kalee, focus on the present. Yes, your mum was an amazing and beautiful woman, and it would be a great pleasure to meet her, but think about it. If it wasn't for you getting separated and then her fate, yours might have changed. We wouldn't have ever met, you wouldn't know any of us and I probably wouldn't know that you exist," I said.

"You wouldn't be in your band, you wouldn't have met Mya or Layal or Lilly or even Colleen. It would be our loss, everything happens for a reason and so the bad stuff happened for the better. Can you imagine life any differently?" I asked. "Well, no...I'm not sure I would really want it differently. I mean, the loss of knowing one person allowed me to know so many more," She replied. "Exactly," I said as she gave me a huge hug. "That's exactly what I needed to hear right now, I love you so much," Kalee said. "I love you too," I replied, hugging her back and giving her a quick hug. We pulled out of the hug and got in the car, ready to go back to Michael's house. I got in the passenger seat, where I was before, with Kalee behind me.

so double update since there was such a long wait before chapter 3...please comment what you think, I really love hearing from. should I start asking questions at the end of chapters like "qotd: what's your favourite book?" or would you guys not answer it?

should I do another character ask or does anyone have any questions for characters? that was fun last time. okay pls comment, vote, all that fluff! ilyasm!

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