Chapter 25

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Michael's POV (i'll probably be switching between POV's a lot while Nameless is on tour)

I woke up to a text from Abby with the video of the song she was telling me about. It was called Society, and the video she sent me was recorded from the side of the stage, so there weren't as many noises from the crowd. She started singing, her voice sounding amazing as always as she poured her emotions into the song. It was truly beautiful. A little bit farther into the song, only about one stanza or so later, Cody joined her onstage and sang part of it. I was immediately blown away, the song sounded amazing with both of them singing on it. The parts where they sang at the same time was amazing, their voices match so perfectly. I was so unbelievably proud of how far Abby, Kalee, and the others have already gone and will continue to go. When the song was over I tweeted it out, everyone deserves to hear it. I'm so proud of you girls!! I texted to Abby and Kalee. I watched the video again, and immediately sent it to Lilly, knowing she would want to hear it. I ended up sending it to pretty much everyone I know, most of whom said I acting like such a proud father, which is what I was being. They sound amazing, I can't wait for the tour with them!!!

Kalee's POV

I've always had a bit of a celebrity crush on Cody Carson, he's so talented and funny and sweet, but last night that celebrity crush evolved into a friend crush. When I started getting to know him, the crush seemed to die down a bit since I was starting to know what he actually acts like offstage and outside of professional situations like interviews or workshops. I started knowing the real, ridiculous Cody that i'm now falling in love with all over again. Seeing him onstage performing with us and with Set It Off, I was reminded why I liked him so much. Today we had interviews with Rock Forever magazine, where each band was supposed to choose one member to kind of represent our band. I went for my band, but I didn't know who from the other bands were going. I got to the room and saw that Cody was there, but the representative from Against The Current wasn't there yet, making this fairly awkward. "Hey," I said as I walked over to the couch he was sitting on. "Hey, Kalee, I didn't know you were going to be the rep for your band today," He said with a small laugh as he gave me a quick hug. "And I didn't know you were going to be your band's rep. Was this all an anonymous set up?" I asked. "I guess," he replied. "That was our idea, to see how you reacted with each other in a random environment with random band members," the interviewer said.

"Hey guys," Will said as he walked in. "Hi," I said as he sat down. "Of course the odds put me as the only girl here besides you," I told the interviewer, laughing. "When there's only five girls and seven guys on the tour, not to mention the crew, you're pretty outnumbered," She replied, laughing with me. "It's fine, these guys are already like my brothers," I replied leaning back to show that I actually was comfortable around my tour mates. "I can see that," she said, smiling. "So, Cody, I heard you had a special plan for tonight's set! Mind sharing?" She asked. "Right, so one of our older songs from Cinematics is called Partners In Crime. The song usually has Ashley Costello from New Year's Day singing on it, but since we're on tour with Nameless, I was hoping Kalee would sing on it," Cody said, smiling. "Whoa, really?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise. "Of course! You have a great voice, probably one of the best I've ever heard!" He replied, smiling. "So are you up for it?" He asked. "Well, yeah! To be honest, I probably have it all memorized," I replied, laughing. "Good!" Cody replied, laughing with me. "So, any tour chemistry so far?" The interviewer asked, raising her eyebrows a bit. "Whoa, slow down! It's only day two!" Will replied, making us all laugh. Interviews with this tour crew was so fun, and i'm unbelievably excited for the rest of this tour. The actual tour still hasn't officially started, but the first mini pop up show has been incredible.

"Okay, but even though it's only the seconds day of the tour, we've known each other for a little while. There actually is one girl who I've grown close to and may be developing a bit of a crush on." Cody said, his face turning a light shade of pink. I was hopeful he was talking about me but I shot down my girlish fantasies. He was probably talking about Chrissy since they've known each other for longer and already had a song together. "Ooh, could you hint at who it is?" The interviewer asked, looking at the camera. "You know, I would but if it doesn't work out i'll look like a fool and I bet she'll see this or hear about it today. I will say that she's absolutely hilarious and can make me laugh no matter what mood i'm in," He said, his blue eyes bright while thinking of his crush. "Aw, well I hope it works out between the two of you!" The interviewer said kindly. "What about you, Kalee? Will already made it obvious he wasn't interested in romance yet," She asked, laughing a bit. "I'm just going to be totally honest here and say i'm the biggest Set It Off fangirl there ever was and as long as I've known about this band I've had a major crush on Cody," I said, my cheeks turning bright red in embarrassment. "This feels so weird to say out loud but yeah, at first it was a hopeless celebrity crush and now that I actually know him it's developed into a real crush," I said, hiding behind my hands. "Oooh, a little onstage love!" The interviewer said, winking.

"What do you have to say about this, Cody?" She asked, making me regret saying that. If he didn't like me back this could change the whole relationship I've grown with Cody since our first skype call with Abby. "Uh, wow," he said, and I felt as though I was going to cry. I bit my lip nervously, still hiding behind my hands as I waited what felt like an eternity for his response. "I guess all I can say is i'm so glad she likes me back," He said, and my eyes widened. "Did this actually just happen? Did I just watch two celebrities confess their love for each other?" Will asked. "I think you did, and we caught it all on camera!" The interviewer replied. I looked at Cody, who was staring at me and I felt like the biggest idiot and luckiest girl in the world. "So, what's our first date going to be?" I asked, smiling. "I have an idea," He replied, smiling back. The interview ended then, and as the crew started taking down the cameras, the interviewer came over to us. "Are you okay with us putting all of the relationship stuff in the video and article?" She asked. "I am! Are you?" I replied. "Totally, and thanks so much for having us!" Cody said. "Yeah, thanks a ton!" I said. "No, thank you! This interview was so much fun!" She replied before walking away to help take down their set up.

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