Chapter 12

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Abby's POV

Ashton and I were walking side by side down the path, listening to the little pebbles crunch under our shoes. I loved the sound it made, especially paired with the sound of the stream running along somewhere in the foliage. There were birds chirping in the trees and occasionally one would fly above our heads. We didn't need to say anything, because we both knew what the other was thinking. "What's that?" Ashton asked, pointing at a small shiny object on the ground. "I dunno," I replied, squatting down to look at it. "It's ring!" I said, picking it up. "Someone must've dropped it, we should hang onto it so we can turn it in when we get back," Ashton replied. I nodded and slipped the ring into my pocket, where I knew it would be safe.

We continued walking, now holding hands. It was simply peaceful, until we turned and saw the windy path ahead. The path and up mountains and looked pretty difficult from this point onward. "Wow," I whispered. "Worth a shot to go, right?" Ashton asked, giving my hand a quick squeeze. "It is why we're out here," I replied as we started up the mountain. "This feels like Lord Of The Rings," I said with a laugh. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Ashton shouted, stomping his foot and putting his arms in the air, doing a hilarious Gandalf impression. We both burst out in laughter, once again pausing our hike. When we stopped laughing we continued, happy as ever. "Come on, Frodo! We need to take the ring to Mordor!" I said, grabbing Ashton's hand again and running ahead.

"Excuse me?" A woman called a bit further up the trail. She had a man with her and looked a bit frantic. "Yeah?" I asked, running up ahead. Ashton jogged behind me to catch up. "Have you by any chance seen a ring around here? My wedding ring slipped off somewhere back there and I can't seem to find it!" She said. "Well, lucky for you my boyfriend saw it. We have it right here!" I said, taking the small ring out of my pocket. "Is this the droid you're looking for?" Ashton asked in a ridiculous voice. "This isn't Star Wars you dork," I said, laughing. "Yes! Thank you so much!" The woman said happily, taking the ring and slipping it on her finger. "So, you like Star Wars? And, I'm guessing Lord Of The Rings because of your Gandalf impression?" The man asked Ashton, who just nodded and smiled.

"Nice. I'm Alex, by the way, and this is my wife, Helena," Alex said. "It's nice to meet you," I said while Ashton looked excited. "I know an Alex!" Ashton said. "Really?" Alex asked. "Yeah, he's the lead singer for All Time Low," Ashton said. I had forgotten about that. All Time Low was one of my favourite bands, and I had seen them live at Warped Tour and met Jack when I bumped into him, literally, at the music shop. "Oh, yeah! All Time Low is amazing!" Alex replied. "Helena is a beautiful name, by the way. It also reminds me of the My Chemical Romance song," I said. "Oh, thank you! And I get the whole MCR thing a lot. But I take it as a compliment, the song is amazing and so is the band!" Helena replied. "I know, right?! What's your favourite song?" I asked her. "Uhm, probably Sing," Helena replied. "Like my sister, Kalee," I said with a small laugh. "Mine is Na Na Na or I'm Not Okay," I replied, smiling.

"Those are pretty good," Helena replied. "Yeah," I replied. "Who knew music was such a good way to bond with people?" Ashton asked. I assumed he and Alex were still talking about All Time Low. "You're such a nerd," I said with a laugh. "You are too, and you know it Abby!" Ashton replied. "I'm a nerd and I'm proud!" I said before we all burst into laughter. "Being a nerd is amazing," Helena said. "Yep. Nerds secretly rule the world," Alex replied, making us all laugh again. "So how long have you two been married?" I asked. "Just over three weeks," Helena replied happily. "Nice," Ashton replied. "And how long have you been dating?" Alex asked. "A few months, it was fall or late in the summer when we met," I replied, smiling up at Ashton.

Sorry for the terribly long wait, I suck at updating. I realised that I started this over Christmas break and now it's the last day of spring break and I'm updating chapter 12. 12!!!!!! So, sorry about that. You're free to call me a cotton headed ninnymuggins (if you understood that reference i'll love you forever) anyways please vote, comment, all that fluff! Ilyasm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3

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