Chapter 2

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Abby's POV

I plugged my new guitar into the amp and started practicing in the basement. Becky was sitting at the drum kit, Mya had her black guitar plugged in with all the stickers on it, including an "M" and little purple robot, and Kalee had her bass. I started strumming the chords of Brain Stew by Green Day, and soon we were full on performing the song. We had our microphones in front of us, but they were off.

I was wearing a black sweater with my ripped black skinny jeans and dark purple converse. Kalee was in a dark blue Doctor Who shirt (she's obsessed with that show), black skinny jeans, and black leather boots. Becky was in a Vamps shirt with black skinny jeans and black vans, and Mya was wearing a shirt that said "I fancy the guitarist" along with black skinny jeans and black vans.

Next we played Give Me Novacaine, also by Green Day, before deciding to have a meeting and come up with a band name. "So, we need a band name," I said, putting my guitar on the stand and sitting on the couch. "Yeah, right now we're nameless," Mya agreed. "That's it!" Becky said. "What?" Kalee asked. "Nameless, that should be our name!" Becky said. "It sounds really cool, I like it!" I said. "It is a good name!" Mya agreed. "Okay, we are Nameless!" Kalee said.

"That was quick," I said with a small laugh. "Yeah," Mya said, agreeing. "Now, we should focus on songwriting!" Kalee said, and we all put notebooks and sheets of paper down. "So, these are the songs we currently have." Becky said. We each read through all of the songs, slightly singing them and then we all got back in our group. "We should choose our favourites to show each other in detail," Mya said. "That's a good idea, yeah," I agreed. "Where do we start?" Kalee asked, looking at the hundreds of songs in front of us.

"There was one I really enjoyed!" Becky said. "Do you know who wrote it?" I asked. "I think you did," She said, handing me a sheet of paper with the word "Rock star" at the top. "Yep, this is mine!" I said, holding it up. "Which one is it?" Mya asked. "Rock star," I replied. "Ooh, I like that one!" Kalee said. "Me too," Mya said. "Okay, I will play it so you have a better idea for the tube and stuff," I said, putting my guitar around my neck and finding the chords.

(an: I actually wrote this song so please don't take it or do anything with it! I plan on using it for my band or in the future!!!)

"Life as a rock star means security!
Life as a rock star means paparazzi!
This is what I brace myself for,
but I know it comes with so much more!

Life as a rock star means autographs!
Life as a rock star means photographs, yea!
Life as a rock star means lots of fans!
Life as a rock star means multiple bands!
I know what's in store for me,
but I can still be free!

Life as a rock star means movies, too!
Life as a rock star means just be you!
Life as a rock star means cameras in my face!
Life as a rock star means a cooler place, yeah!
Life as a rock star means competition!
Life as a rock star means recognition, oh!

This is what life as a rock star means,
but for now it's only in my dreams!"

"I love it," Becky said. "Awe, thanks," I replied. "We should use it! Add some bass, drums, and it could be a rock anthem!" Kalee said. "I agree, it's amazing!" Mya said. "Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it." I said, smiling. "Ya know, it is really good. And totally true, except for the 'only in my dreams' part. I can see this happening!" Michael said, popping up from where he was hiding behind the pass through.

"Dad! I didn't know you were here!" I said. "That was the point," Michael said, making me laugh. "You should publish that, maybe make it your first single!" Ashton said, popping up right beside Michael. "Alright, who else is back there?" I asked. Connor and Tristan popped up next, making Kalee laugh. "That's it?" I asked, looking at the stairs. There weren't anymore people, thankfully.

"So, Nameless, huh?" Michael asked. "How did you stay quiet for so long?" I asked. "Yes, we are now Nameless," I said proudly. "Well, Nameless, you should start posting your covers on YouTube. Get out there, and keep up that songwriting." Ashton said. "You sound amazing," Connor said. "You really do," Tristan said in agreement, making us smile.

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