Chapter 14

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Abby's POV

Ashton an I hiked along with Helena and Alex for the rest of the day before setting up our tents and starting a fire in the path. Apparently it was pretty common for people to meet friends like this in the path, or at least that's what the website for this place said. "So, where are you from?" Ashton asked. "Melbourne. What about you two?" Helena replied. "I'm from Riverstone, but Abby is from L.A.," Ashton replied. "Then how did you two meet?" Alex asked. "My adoptive father is his best friend and band mate. Ya know, I just realized how strange that sounds when I say it out loud," I said with a small laugh.

"We are a very strange family, but I like it this way," Ashton replied with a laugh. "Strange people are the best people in my opinion, they're the ones who keep individuality alive," Helena said. "True, and we aren't photocopies. We're the ones who have crazy coloured hair," Alex added. "So we're obviously the coolest," I said, laughing. "duh," Helena said, making us laugh harder. It was actually pretty funny, a year ago I wouldn't have thought it was possible to smile or laugh this much. I wouldn't have ever thought that my life would get better, but it did in the most amazing and unexpected ways. Sure, it's still a bumpy road, but nothing is easy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ashton giving me a giant hug and tackling me into the tent. "Woah, don't break me!" I said, now laughing uncontrollably. I surely wasn't the girl I was a year ago, or even a month ago. I was extremely happy and nothing could ruin the moment. I had the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for, and they've saved my life. "Sorry, you just looked like you needed a hug," Ashton replied, giving me a smile, complete with dimples, as he helped me up. "I'm pretty tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed," Helena said mid yawn. "I'm tired, too. What about you, Ash?" I asked. "I could sleep. See you two in the morning," Ashton said, unzipping the tent.

"See you in the morning, good night!" Helena said, doing the same. "And sweet dreams!" Alex added as he put out the fire. "same to you!" I replied, crawling into my sleeping bag.

Hey, I'm In A Band!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz