Chapter 3

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Abby's POV

"Guys, we need a manager!" I said as we sat down on my bed with Colleen. "And a makeup artist for onstage," Kalee agreed. "Oh, I can do makeup! I can do alot of things with it like cat eye, smokey eye, contour, other special things like that," Colleen said. "I didn't understand any of that so you're hired," I said, my bandmates nodding. "Okay, then who's our manager?" Mya asked. "I think Layal would be good for that!" Becky said. "I agree, she's good at planning things and things like that," I said. "I heard my name," Layal said, poking her head in the room. "We have a question for you," Mya said. Layal walked in and sat on the bed with us. "Okay, what is it?" Layal asked. 

"Will you..." Kalee started, waiting for the rest of us. "Be our manager?" We all asked in sync. "Aw, of course!" Layal said happily. "Yay! Thank you!" Kalee said, hugging her. "You're welcome!" Layal replied, laughing. "So, I have a feeling the first people you will have to talk to are my dad or his management," I said. "Ashton said that he would like to have us on tour with them in 2015 if we get prepped with some of our own songs and rehearse alot but that it takes alot of time and can be hard," I explained. "Oh my God, that would be so fun! Yeah, we definitely have to get your rehearsals and other band meetings in order so this can happen, it's going to be a huge tour!" Layal said excitedly. 

"I know, i'm so excited for next summer!" I said excitedly. "So am I, I think everyone is!" Becky agreed. "I know I am!" Michael said, poking his head into the room. "Hey dad!" I said, waving. Michael smiled and walked into the room, sitting in my desk chair. "How's your band coming?" He asked, spinning the chair in semi-circles. "Amazing. We've already gotten alot done, which is good," I replied. "Awesome! It's nice to know that we share a dream and that we can both live it for ourselves," Michael replied, smiling. "Yeah, not everybody can do this. It's so exciting to have this opportunity and to be able to share it with the people I love!" I said, hugging Kalee and Mya before hugging Becky and Colleen, then Layal.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend!" Calum said happily, popping into the room and hurrying over to Colleen to give her a kiss. Colleen just blushed and kissed him back, smiling out of the kiss. "Hey Cal!" Colleen said, scooting over to give him some room. There were a lot of people on my bed, which was kind of funny. Colleen put her head on Calum's shoulder, making him smile even brighter. "Well I guess this band meeting is over, we don't have much more to talk about!" Mya said, standing up. Michael got up and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head.

I smiled at them, it was quite adorable. I got out of my bed and went over to my desk to get my sketchbook. While I was looking for a sharpened pencil, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, lifting me in the air. Shocked, I let out a small scream and dropped my sketchbook as I was hauled over the person's shoulder. "Awe, did I scare you?!" Ashton asked with a laugh. "No, I just screamed for no reason," I replied sarcastically. Ashton giggled, making me smile. "Can you put me down now, Ashy?" I asked in a baby voice. "Maybe later," He replied, shifting me so he was holding me bridal style.

"Am I not heavy?" I asked. I had been wondering that since the first time they had picked me up, which had been about half a year ago. Wow, so much has happened since then. "What?! No, you're actually really light. I don't know how with all the food we eat," Ashton said, laughing. "Oh okay then. You guys just pick me up all the time," I said. I was secretly just self conscious about that, since those girls at the orphanage had bullied me. "Well you're not heavy, I don't k ow where that thought came from. You are absolutely perfect just the way you are!" Ashton said, leaning down and kissing me. When we ended the kiss, Ashton gently set me back on my feet.

"What's this?" He asked, picking up my sketchbook, which was sitting open in the floor. He looked at the drawing that was on the open page and gently ran his finger across the lines and curves of the angel wings. The drawing was of an angel comforting a girl who was crying at a grave. Ashton's smile turned I to a sorrowful frown. "Is this anyone in particular?" He asked quietly, pointing at the angel. "It's my mum." I replied. "I never drew the second angel, and now I don't need to. It was going to be Kalee. Before we found out she was alive," I explained.

Ashton handed the sketchbook to Michael before hugging me. I hugged him back, tears escaping my eyes. "It's okay, I understand." He said as I leaned my head against his chest. Michael passed off the drawing to someone else before joining the hug. "Hey, do you want to go out to the grave today?" He asked quietly. I nodded, still crying. "Can we pick up some flowers on the way?" I asked. "Of course," Michael replied. "Lets get ready to leave, okay?" He asked, rubbing my back in a calming way. "Okay," I replied. "I love you so much," I said, giving him another quick hug before grabbing shoes. I got a small jacket and put my hair in a braid.

sorry for the long wait for such a short chapter! I have been busy but should update again soon! also, happy (early) birthday to Kalee!!! she's who I based the Kalee in the story off of and she's super awesome! ilyasm!

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