Chapter 13

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Kalee's POV

It was pretty quiet with Ashton and Abby gone, but it allowed me to get to know dad better while we built his man cave. "So, how's your band coming?" Dad asked as we painted the walls deep red. "Pretty good. We've been writing together a lot. We've got a pretty punk sound, actually. Like, Mya has those lyrics that are just so deep and Becky can play amazingly!" I replied. "That's good." dad replied, deep in thought.

"Just know that it won't be easy. There will definitely be arguments and stressful days, if not weeks. Where there are lovers, there are haters." he said, letting out a small laugh. "'where there's lovers, there's haters'. I'm pretty sure that's what Cal told Abby pretty soon after I adopted her." he continued. "Anyways, this life isn't all it's glammed up to be. Sure, there are some pretty amazing moments, but it is difficult too," he finished. "I know, dad, but it's still what I want to do with my life, just like you and Ashton and Calum and Luke and Abby and all of us," I replied.

"Okay," dad replied, engulfing me in a hug. He got the paint all over my arm, making me gasp at the cold sticky paint that was dripping past my elbow. "Ooooh, sorry Kalee!" He said as I started flicking the paint at him. We started a paint war, and by the time Karen came in we were covered in red paint. "oh my god, what happened to you two?!" She asked. "Well, it's not blood!" I said quietly.

"Well I'd hope not!" Karen replied, making us laugh. "Paint war," Michael explained as I carefully made my way to the paint bucket so I could put down my brush. "Get yourselves cleaned up" Karen replied, shaking her head as she left. Michael pulled out his phone, deciding to take a selfie of our pain splattered selves, capturing me mid-laugh. I left the room to take a shower and change into less paint-y clothes.

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