Chapter 24

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Michael's POV 

I had Ashton over so we could work on band stuff, and I didn't expect Abby to call since I knew she would be busy on tour. When I got her call, I told Ashton to wait for a bit while I did something, I wasn't specific, but I guess he saw my phone or something as I got up. I answered the call and immediately saw Abby's new hair and piercing, which looked suer cool on her but I wasn't happy that she didn't consult me and that she got it done on a moving bus. But that wasn't the worst part of my morning, I was actually really glad I got to skype Abby this morning, until Ashton ruined it. When Abby disconnected the call and I turned around to face Ashton, he knew he had messed up. Even though he could probably beat me up, in the heat of the moment, I was the intimidating one. "ASHTON?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted. "I saw that Abby had called, and I...i'm sorry," Ashton said. "Yeah, why don't you just go crawling back to Bryana and never talk to my daughter again? You know what? Get out! Get out and don't come back 'till you're done ruining Abby's life! Get out and don't come back until you learn how to respect people!" I shouted, and i've never seen Ashton leave my house so quickly. When he was gone, I slammed the door shut behind him and went into Abby's room. I sat on her bed and looked up at the poster of us that had been ripped apart so Ashton was no longer in it.

"I'm so sorry about this, Abby. I never knew Ashton would break your heart," I whispered, picking up a picture of the two of us and Kalee. I looked over at her Cherri Bomb poster and smiled, knowing she would be able to meet three of the four girls on the poster, as well as Casey over the summer. I walked over to her cork board, which was shaped like a guitar, and saw the note I had given her on that first day. 

   Dear Abby, 

This dress is for you to wear to the VMA's. I hope you love it as much as I know i'm going to love you. I've had my eye on you for a while, and I bought this based on your papers. It's a simple 'welcome to your new home' gift. I wanted us to match, I thought it would be cute. Please give this family a chance, we are crazier than normal.    Love, Michael (your new father)

I smiled, lightly tracing over the words with my finger. "How has it been so long since then?" I asked myself before looking around the whole room. A broken picture of her and Ashton had been knocked into the trashcan and her first guitar was sitting on its stand in the corner of her room with her setlist on the floor under it. I looked at it and saw some sharpie bleeding through, so I flipped it over. 

   Hey dad, I knew you'd end up in here eventually. I can already tell this tour is going to be a whole new experience for me, and I'm unbelievably excited for it. I wrote a new song that Chrissy and Cody helped me develop and I may have it ready by the first show, i'll make sure to have someone record it so you can see it. I love you loads and I know i'm going to miss you just as much!!! Make sure to text me whenever and i'll try to respond as often as possible. Love you! ~ Abby (your not so new daughter) 

I smiled and took the note with me to put by my bed, but I stopped by Kalee's room first. She hasn't been open about her messy breakup, but it's all over the internet. I really hope she's okay with being on tour for a while to help her get over it. Have a fun tour, ok? I miss u two! :) I texted them in a group chat before walking to my room and putting Abby's note on my nightstand. 

Abby's POV 

I only saw Michael's text a few minutes before we were going onstage, so I was busy with mic check and warming up. It was calming, and I got to reply quickly. Love you, too! We're about to go on and i'm extremely nervous! I replied, putting my phone by the guitar stands as I put my guitar around my neck and got ready to go on. "What's my queue going to be?" Cody asked, walking up behind me, scaring me a bit. "The guitar solo we worked on, and i'll make sure to have someone say it in the dead mic," I replied. He gave me a thumbs up and before I knew it, I was onstage and pumping up the crowd. "HOW'S EVERYBODY DOING TONIGHT?!" I shouted. "WE ARE A LITTLE BAND FROM LOS ANGELES, AND WE'RE GOING TO BE PLAYING A LOT OF SONGS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD BEFORE!" Kalee shouted to the crowd. "ONE TWO THREE FOUR!" Becky shouted as we started our first song, one of the heavier ones we've written called Plastic. (a.n. this is an original so DO NOT TAKE IT and please tell me what you think!!!!) 

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