Chapter 23

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Abby's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Zach asked as we stood in front of the mirror on their bus. The supplies we needed for this were in here, so this is why we were doing it now. "Are you sure your dad will be okay with this?" Cody asked. "I can take out the ring and hair grows back," I replied. "Okay," He said hesitantly. Zach turned on his razor and Maxx and Dan watched nervously as the side of my head was shaved. I closed my eyes so I could see it when it was done, and I could feel the hair fall away. When it was over I was still too scared to open my eyes. "I'm gonna go ahead and pierce you, just like when I got my lip done," Cody said, sitting on the stool next to me. He put on the sanitary things, I didn't really understand what it was but I knew it kept my piercing from getting infected. I squeezed Zach's hand as the needle went through the side of my nose. "Does it hurt?" Zach asked with a small laugh. "Yeah," I replied, looking at him. Cody put in the nose ring before letting me see the finished product of my new look.

"Ready to see?" He asked, stepping in front of the mirror before I got a chance to see what I looked like. "Yes," I said. He stepped out of the way and I saw my bright purple hair with the left side neatly shaved away and a beautiful golden ring in the right side of my nose. I gaped at my new image. "So? What do you think?" Cody asked. "I love it! Thank you so much!" I replied. "You look so different," Maxx said, smiling. "Good different or bad different?" I asked. "Good," He replied. "Ready to show the others?" Dan asked. "Yes!" I replied. We wrote until we stopped at the venue. "We need to get to sleep soon," Dan said. "Yeah, I need to get back on my bus," I said, grabbing my sketchbook. We'd successfully finished a song and Cody agreed to be the guest vocals on it. We titled the song Society, and Cody and I would sing on it. I walked back to my bus so I could get some rest, and as soon as I got inside almost everyone was asleep. "Oh, good, I was about to get you so we can get some rest," Chrissy said as the door opened, not looking up. "Well, i'm gonna go to bed then," I said, hoping she'd look up. "Ok, goodnight," She said. I passed her and she looked over to see my nose ring.

"Oh my God," she said. "Is your dad okay with this?" She asked, grabbing my arm and looking at me. "Hopefully," I replied. "Wait, your hair, too?! You're so lucky Michael's your dad, anyone else would be furious. He may even get furious but it's your head....I don't know. Just, we'll talk about this in the morning," Chrissy said. "Okay," I said, going to my bunk.


I woke up and it felt like I was only asleep for an hour. "We need to get ready for the interviews! Alt Press is interviewing all of us in an hour!" Chrissy shouted, knocking on all of the bunks. I got up, rubbing the sleep eyes and feeling my nose ring, a reminder of my little makeover last night. "So that wasn't a dream," Chrissy said, looking at me. "What wasn't?" Emily asked as she walked over. "Oh," she said. "What? Abby what did you do?" Kalee asked as she walked over to me. "When did this happen?!" She asked, her eyes widening. "When I was on the guys' bus. They agreed to it," I replied. I changed into my All Time Low shirt and some black skinny jeans with my blue docs and did my makeup and hair quickly so I could skype Michael. The others said I needed to since i'd gotten a piercing without him and shaved the side of my head. I called him on my iPad in the back of the bus while the other girls got ready. "Good morning, Abby! Wait, when did you change your hair? And is that a nose ring?" He asked, answering the call. "I had Zach from Set It Off do my hair, he knows what he's doing, he has parts of his hair shaved too, we made sure it was safe. And Cody did my piercing, he had his done back in 2010 and he made sure it was completely sanitary." I replied.

"Wait, so you got these sharp objects held against your head on a moving tourbus?! What if something went wrong?" He asked worriedly. "The point is nothing did, it's okay, dad." I said. "I'm glad you're okay, but ask me before doing this stuff, okay? If something happened to you because of something like this, no one in this house would go touring again," Michael said. "Okay, I won't do it again," I promised as someone walked into the frame. "Who is that?" I asked, trying to recognize the person. "I'm sorry," They said, and the all too familiar voice made me hang up the call with a lump in my throat. I had just started working on getting over Ashton, so why did he have to show up immediately after. "Hey, you about ready?" Chrissy asked, sliding open the door as I angrily clutched my iPad. "Yeah," I said, not looking up. "What's with the angry iPad holding?" She asked. "I was just trying to skype my dad, and of course Ashton walks in." I said. "I'm sorry. It's just something you're going to have to deal with," Chrissy said, giving me a comforting hug. "Thanks," I said, standing up. I decided to add my purple flannel around my waist to match my hat and I added my black choker around my neck.

We walked into the venue and the interviewer was already set up backstage. All three bands were in the room so we could all talk about the tour, but they were going to have just Nameless in a vlog-type video since it was our first live show ever, and it was such a cool tour to be a part of. "Hey guys! It is Caity Babcock here and i'm interviewing Set It Off, Against The Current, and newcomers Nameless for the Glamour Kills Spring Break tour! Can you just tell us your names ad what instrument you play?" The interviewer asked. "Uh, hi, i'm Cody Carson and I sing in Set It Off," "I'm Dan Clermont and I play guitar for Set It Off," "I'm Zach and I also play guitar for Set It Off," "I'm Maxx Danziger and I play drums for Set It Off,". Cody mumbled something to Zach asking why he didn't say his last name, but their conversation was fairly short since everyone was still introducing themselves. "I'm Chrissy, I sing for Against The Current," "Hi, i'm Dan I play guitar in Against The Current," "I'm Will and I play drums in Against The Current," "Hi, i'm Abby and I sing and play rhythm guitar in Nameless," I said. "I'm Mya, I play bass in Nameless," "I'm Kalee and I occasionally sing and play lead guitar for Nameless," "I'm Becky and I drum for Nameless,"

"Alright, so first question: what's it like being a part of such a big tour?" Caity asked. "Um, it's already really great, we all get along so well and we're already a huge tour family, it's so fun! The Set It Off guys gave me a makeover last night, at my own request of course, and it was super chill," I answered. "We were all actually hanging out on the girls' bus for a good hour and I got to kind of give Abby some relationship advice and we were working on writing alot, there may be a collab in the near future," Zach said, wiggling his eyebrows at the last part, making us laugh. "Yeah, it's so great, everyone's so much fun to hang out with. We kind of all make each other happy and we all help each other with everything," Chrissy said. "That's amazing, I have heard that some bands don't have very good tour experiences and that their tour mates aren't very good. What are your opinions on that?" Caity asked. "Well, you just gotta find tour mates you get along with really well, and Warped is great for that. You can meet new people who would be good to tour with, and some of your fans and their fans will discover each other on Warped and then it's good for both bands," Cody said.

"That's some good advice! So who do you want to tour with most? What would your dream our be?" Caity asked, pointing the microphone at me. "Honestly, this is my dream tour! I've loved both of these bands since they've started and i'm so incredibly lucky to have this opportunity!" I said, smiling. "Aww, that's so sweet!" Chrissy said. "But if you had to have another tour, besides us, who would it be?" Will asked, looking over at me. "Oh, I guess it would have to be My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, and Cherri Bomb. Is that too many bands? It could be like Black Mass and We and Cherri Bomb open for Black Veil and My Chem," I said. "Oh, that'd be an awesome tour!" Dan said. "I would see that," Cody added. "Can this be a thing? Can we resurrect MCR and make them tour with us?" Kalee asked. "Please," I added, laughing. "What about you? Caity asked, moving her microphone over to Kalee. "Honestly, I want what Abby said!" Kalee said with a small laugh. "If we can make this tour happen ASAP, I will be happy," Mya added. "Agreed," Becky said. "I love this tour line up, like Abby said, we get to tour with our best friends and grow closer," Daniel said. (AN: Dan from ATC will be Daniel and Dan from SIO will just be Dan...sorry for confusion, i'm sure it was for them irl!!)

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