Chapter 1

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Abby's POV

I ran downstairs with Kalee, my now purple hair flying in my face. We threw open Michael's door and jumped on his bed. "MERRY CHRISTMAS, DADDY!" We shouted, giving him giant hugs. "What time is it?" Michael asked groggily as we got out of his bed. "8:00," Kalee said.

"Why do we have to be up this early again?" Michael asked. "Cos it's Christmas!" We replied. Yes, we were sixteen, but that didn't stop us from acting like total children. Suddenly the front door opened and I heard alot of people coming in. Michael got up and we followed him to the tree. There were more presents now, and alot of people in our game room.

"Ashy!" I shouted, hugging my boyfriend. "Hey, Abby! Merry Christmas!" Ashton said, hugging me back and giving me a peck on the cheek. "Merry Christmas," I replied, smiling widely. Call me greedy, but I couldn't wait to see what I got. I also wanted Michael to see what Kalee and I got him. "Tristan!" Kalee shouted, hugging her own boyfriend.

Kalee and Tristan started dating about a few months after they met. I gave Rosie a hug and looked over at Becky and Connor, who were talking to Colleen and Calum. The house was full of our crazy family, but sadly the rest was still in Australia. We would he leaving to visit them tomorrow, though.

"Alright, I guess it's present time," Michael said, sitting on the couch. I laughed at him and sat next to him, with Ashton on my other side. "You should open this one first," Kalee said, handing him our gift. "okay," He said, ripping it open. He smiled and let out a small laugh at what was inside.

"Wow, thank you guys so much!" He said, holding up the Michelangelo onesie. "It matches your pikachu one!" Kalee pointed out. "It does!" Michael said, laughing. "Thank you," he said, hugging us. "I love you so much," I said. "I love you too," He said. "Okay, I guess it's someone else's turn!" Michael said. "Who's?" I asked as Ashton pulled something out from behind him.

"Yours," Ashton said, handing me a dark blue electric guitar. "No way," I replied in awe. "For me?!" I asked, playing with the strings a bit. Ashton nodded, smiling. "I'm glad you like it!" Ashton said. "Like it?! I love it!" I shouted, smiling and bugging him. "But I love you more!" I said, giving him a kiss. "Awe, I love you too!" Ashton said, returning the kiss.

"Okay, time for Kalee," Tristan said, pulling out a small red box. No, not small enough for a wedding ring, that would be strange as they were so young. He gave it to her and she ripped it open excitedly. It was a chocolate frog, like the ones from the Harry Potter movies. "I love it!" Kalee said, opening it and looking at the wizard card. The wizard was Dumbledore, making Kalee smile. "Thank you," She said, hugging him.

We went through all of the gifts quickly, everyone absolutely loving what they got. After presents, we are breakfast, which was a lot of bacon, waffles, and eggs. We were just being super lazy all day and hanging out with family. Long story short, this was the best Christmas ever. And its only the beginning of our band threat is still nameless, and it is just part of my amazing journey with my family.

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