Character Replies:

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Dude, you rock! I love you! Also what do you think it's going to be like once the girls go on tour and Ashton comes over? Do you think you guys will be normal or do you think there will be tension?

Awe, thank you! I love you, too! And there will definitely be tension. How could there not be? He hurt my daughter and something like that is nearly impossible to forgive, but i'm going to have to try and cover my anger for the sake of the band.

Are you nervous for Abby and Kalee? As their dad.

Of course I am, they're my daughters and they're going on tour for the first time and I can't be right there with them. Not to mention they both just got out of horrible break up's and are probably blaming themselves for it.


Why would you cheat on Abby?! How dare you!

I didn't cheat on Abby, I swear! I could never do that to her, and it hurts me knowing she thinks I did. NO one believes me when I try to explain the truth and now i'm the most hated guy in L.A. What's worse is the fan's responses saying they're glad i'm single again.

What happened with Abby? Was it a misunderstanding?

Yes, it was a complete misunderstanding but no one will even let me near her! You don't even know how much I wish I could change everything that made us slip apart and stop trusting each other. If i'd known then what I know now, everything would be right again.


You rock! and are you mad at Ashton for what happened between him and Abby?

First off, thank you! You rock, too! And secondly, of course i'm mad. We all are, we all care about Abby so much, she's so close to all of us and it's hard seeing her so sad and angry. But at the same time, Ashton seems pretty beaten up about it himself, I can tell he didn't mean to let this happen, but it's his fault.


LOVE your voice! Are you mad at Ashton for what he did to Abby?

Thank you! Without people like you, I wouldn't be given the opportunities to share it with the world, haha. And of course i'm mad at him, he broke the heart of one of my closest friends and the daughter of one of my closest friends which makes band meeting extremely awkward and full of tension.


So now that you're back on the market do you think you'll end up with one of the Set It Off members?

Not at the moment. Even though I have my great coping method, I still want a break before jumping into another relationship. Not only that, but I want to get to know them better, but eventually, maybe.

Would you think about listening to Ashton for the reason he cheated or will you ignore him still? Ps: breakups are hard but stand strong and keep writing!

I currently want nothing to do with him but if the timing is right and we bump into each other, which is inevitable, I will try and hear him out. For the next, maybe six months though, i'm going to avoid him at all costs. And thank you very much for your encouraging words! I'm sorry if you're speaking from experience, that really sucks. :( But art is my escape, surely you'll find yours or maybe you've already found it!


Daaang girl you rock! How are you so flipping awesome?!

Haha, thank you! It's a gift really.

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