Chapter 26

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Ashton's POV

I sat on my couch alone, watching the video of Abby and Cody singing Society. I sighed, putting my phone down when the song was over. I screwed up badly, and now I couldn't fix it. I looked over to the small framed photo on the coffee table in front of me, seeing the picture of Abby and I at the Jingle Ball. Back before I'd made my idiot move and made Abby hate me. I slowly put the picture frame so it was facing down as I heard the back door open. "Hey, babe," I heard Bryana say seconds before she kissed my cheek. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now. She sat next to me, so close her leg was pressing against mine. "Aw, babe, what's wrong?" She asked, hanging on my shoulder and kissing my cheek. "Whatcha thinking about, Ashy?" She asked. "Only Abby can call me that," I whispered. "What??" Bryana asked. "I'm not your babe and this is not your house. I'm sorry but--I don't love you," I said. "Ashton!" She said in shock as I pushed her off of me and stood up. "Get out," I said, running my hands through my hair. "Ashton!" She said again, standing up. "Get out. You ruined my relationship with the best girl I've ever met. Get out of my house, get out of my life," I said harshly. "You know what, Ashton? I never loved you either. In fact, I hate you right now," She said. "Good, we're on the same page now get out of my life you ignorant gold digger," I said as she stormed out of my house. "Time to change the locks," I mumbled, watching as her car sped away down the alley.

I sat back on the couch and let it all spill out; all of the feelings I've kept bottled up inside since the break up months ago. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found Abby. I looked through all of our old messages when we'd tell each other we loved each other at least a hundred and nine times a day. I found the first ever picture we'd taken together, when she was sleeping on my chest the night Michael adopted her. I found old pictured of Luke and Rae, who were still going strong, and of Calum and Colleen, who are both currently in Australia together. I smiled at the memory of exploring the New Zealand mountains with Abby, when we couldn't have been happier. I locked my phone and began sobbing, letting everything pour out of me: my anger, my sadness, my self-hatred, and most of all fear. The fear that Abby would spend the rest of her life hating me and truly believing I cheated on her and didn't trust her. I had spoken before my brain could process the words spilling stupidly from my mouth. I let my happiness slip away so easily, when I could've shown her that I care so much for her and that I love her and miss her. Before I knew what I was doing, I sent out a simple tweet, saying I miss you Abby. Only a minute or two later I deleted it, but my notifications were already blowing up with people posting screenshots of it and saying either rude things about Abby or sad things saying they wished we didn't break up.

"I'm so stupid," I whispered, putting my phone down and walking into my room. No doubt she and Michael were going to see that and be completely pissed at me, i'm going to ruin everything I've ever had going good for me. I looked over at the pictures I still had in my phone of me and Abby, remembering how I almost deleted them in anger the last time I saw her. I went to her twitter, seeing only stuff about how fun it is to be on tour with the Set It Off guys and little hints about where she's gonna be next. I figured they couldn't be too far away yet and maybe, just maybe I could try to see her at her next pop up show. I read all of the hints that anyone had posted, trying to figure out where she would be next. Obviously they were on their way to Florida, so it was a straight shot across the U.S. Since the tour starts in ten days, they have a while to play shows, and I think they're having them every night. I would ask Luke or Calum if they know where the next pop up is going to be, but there's no way they would tell me. Looking at the hints, including pictures on their instagrams, I now knew that they were going to be in Dallas, Texas in three days. I packed up anything I would need and immediately booked a hotel. I would leave tomorrow.

Abby's POV

I was sitting on the tour bus with Chrissy, Mya, Becky, and Emily, and we were all on our phones. I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw my notifications suddenly going off saying I was tagged in pictures, which was weird since no one should be tweeting pictures of me all of a sudden. I clicked on the notifications icon, and picture after picture was of some tweet Ashton had posted but apparently already deleted. "I miss you Abby" I read, and my heart fell. How could he do this after what happened between us? Wasn't he perfectly happy with Bryana sucking his face off 24/7? I clenched my teeth and put my phone in the little pocket of my bunk. "Wanna do something else?" I asked. "Like what?" Mya asked, absent-minded from her spot across the room. "Like play guitar hero or something? I don't know," I replied. "Anything but twitter," I mumbled, staring at notifications pop up on my screen. "And anything that doesn't involve Ashton in any way, shape, or form," I said, turning away. "Let's play Green Day rockband, then. You can even be singer," Chrissy said, smiling at me. I smiled back as we headed to the little game room at the back of the bus. "You okay, Chika?" She asked, closing the door.

"Yeah--well, no. Ashton posted some stupid tweet saying he missed me, but then deleted 'cause he probably realized how stupid he was being, and everyone's making a huge deal about it. Quite frankly, I don't want to have to see him until the tour this summer or even after that. I need to move out," I said. "You're almost seventeen. In a year you can move into your own house and if Michael signs off on it, you can move out now. It wouldn't be bad for you and the girls to have a band house, it makes it so much easier to write songs and have practice," Chrissy said. "Yeah, that sounds pretty amazing right now. And i'd like to have it away from L.A. but I also don't want to leave dad," I said. "Again, you're almost seventeen. You'll have to move out eventually. And don't forget, you and Mike won't necessarily be home from tour at the same times or even at the same places on tour. You're going to be apart as long as either of you's in a band, and that's the cold truth. But it's not so bad, you meet tons of friends on the road and you'll always find a tiny window of time to text each other, even if the other doesn't respond for twelve hours," She said.

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