Chapter 9: Underhand

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"Wow. Y/N is so aggressive. Taking me in this enchanting place.", Chaeyoung's tongue clicked, looking at the interiors with red lights flashing, tempting every person who's staying here. "I like it!"

Y/N just showed an identification card to the person assigned on the front desk. Chaeyoung noticed the girl set on the front desk, winked at Y/N. Inside Chaeyoung's mind, she thought that Y/N is a regular customer here. Who knows how many girls Y/N had laid on the bed? After all, temptation sets on a red light. Y/N pushed Chaeyoung again inside the elevator. She was amused that Y/N clicked the button leading to the 50th floor, the button on top, the last floor. No one's inside the elevator except them, so Chaeyoung took a chance to misbehave if the elevator won't.

"Even the elevator lits red.", Chaeyoung faced Y/N with a look that no one else would recognize. It wasn't the same for Y/N, though. Y/N might be seeing red and might feel the purpose of the red colour because of the instinct that Chaeyoung is one of the predators. A different kind of predator, Y/N, hasn't ever handled. "Do you like red?"

Y/N's breathing went faster, feeling the suffocation inside the elevator with the red lights. Any moment from now, there could be a mess and no, Y/N doesn't want it to happen in front of Chaeyoung. Y/N leaned on the side, staring at Chaeyoung, looking at her like she's a daughter of Hades with a red face and flaming red eyes. A wrong turn. As Chaeyoung began to move forward and raised a leg over Y/N's stomach, Y/N's eyes widened. 'Not on my stomach, please.' Struggling to take Chaeyoung's leg out, gladly, the bell rang, indicating it's already the last floor. Y/N stormed out, leaving Chaeyoung behind.

"Wow. Never thought Y/N's one to be chased.", Chaeyoung smirked, still feeling the heat. She was about to come out when the elevator's door immediately closed, seeing that the button was clicked to the basement. "Y/N!"

"She's wild. She came from wild.", Y/N was calling Denrose to ask for emergency advice. "I don't know how to handle her."

Although Y/N's left hand was carrying the phone, the right hand is doing some cleaning. Y/N wouldn't want her to be shocked, seeing a smelly puke inside a comfort room. Somehow, Y/N's mind is composing of Chaeyoung's whereabouts. It gave Y/N the feeling of guilt when the button was clicked purposely towards the basement, enabling the time to do that weird action.

"Never in your life, you felt this scared before, Y/N.", Denrose believed that something is going on, and it's something new for Y/N's life, so she should be there to guide Y/N in case things would go out of control. "I advise you to relax and not dare yourself to do something morally wrong for you."

"I'm keeping that in mind!"

"Is that your relaxed state? Cause I don't think so."

"I'm relaxed!"

There was a banging knock on the door that made Denrose be bugged about it. Y/N switched the phone off and gathered the original spirit to come back inside as to what honor and dignity were left. With a heavy footstep and a resting bitch face, Y/N opened the door, exhaling more oxygen that Chaeyoung felt as if it was a blown wind. Y/N thought that Chaeyoung would be hella mad about that action cause Chaeyoung pushed Y/N's chest.

"Hey! I'm sorry about that-", Y/N was pushed once again, and this time, Y/N landed on the bed. "Am I being punished for what I did a while ago?"

"Wow. You call it punishment? Maybe, yes.", Y/N was somehow confused why Chaeyoung is acting out like Y/N was under arrest. "It took me a lot of dignity to ask the tenants in each room. What a shame you left me alone."

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