Our break up

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My dad opened the shelter door and Cody jumped in. "I'll get Grammy" Moose said. Everyone else got in then I did. Moose handed Bailey her stuffed bunny then said "I know how much you love this bunny". "Thank you" she said. "I know this is a bad time to say it but Bailey you and I belong together" Moose said. "What no Bailey that's what I've been trying to tell you I still love you and I want to be with you"Cody said. "Look Cody what are you and Bailey had was cute but it's over and she belongs with me" Moose said. "No she doesn't" Cody said. Moose pushed Cody and he fell onto Bailey. Bailey hit her head on the wall and fell to the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you two" I yelled. My mom put a cold rag on Baileys head and we waited for her to wake up. I leaned against the wall and listened to the wind. "Everything's going to be okay" Josh said. "I know I'm just waiting for all this to be over" I said. Zacks watching josh and I talk but I'm pretending not to notice. "He's watching us" josh said. "I know" I said. Josh put his hand on mine and i just looked at it. "Might as well give him something to look at" josh whispered. I smiled then held his hand. Finally Bailey opened her eyes. "You're awake" Cody said. "I had the strangest dream And you were all there" she said. "Really" my mom asked. "Well not all of you" she said. "What was your dream about" moose asked. Hayley and I were lost and we didn't know which way to go but I found my way but she didn't" she said while looking at me. "Why didn't I go with you" I asked. "You choose the wrong path" she said. "Well in future references I'll choose the right one" I said. "I hope so" she said while looking at Zack. "But I know where I belong now" Bailey said while hugging moose. Cody looked heartbroken. "Moose you're a great guy but I love Cody" Bailey said. "You do" Cody asked. "Yes I never stop loving you" she said. "I never stop loving you either" Cody said. They kissed. "Wait I hear birds chirping" my mom said. "I Thought that was just me" Cody said. Moose opened the door and left along with josh. We all got out and looked around. "Oh my god" I said. Everything is destroyed . "The house" my mom cried. "It's okay mom we can fix this" Bailey said. "Baileys right" I said. We all decided to clean up. I started picking up around the porch. "Ouch" I said. "Are you okay" Zack asked. "Yeah it's just a splinter" I said. "Let me see" he said. He somehow managed to get it out. "All better" he said while holding my hand. "Yeah it is" I said. We spent the rest of the day cleaning. "Alright I think it's time we all head to bed" my mom said. "There's no roof we can't sleep in there" I said. "It's either inside or in the shelter" my dad said. "There was a rat in there" I said. "You pick" my mom said. I looked over at Zacks car. "I'll sleep in the car" I said. Zack looked over to me. "If it's okay with you" I said. "Yeah I'll stay with you if you want" he said. "It's settled Zack and I are sleeping in the car" I said. "Have fun" Cody said then gave Zack the keys. Everyone went inside.I quickly grabbed my pajamas from inside and changed. I went back outside to find Zack waiting. " Shall we" I asked. "We shall" Zack said. Zack pushed the seats back so we had more space. He laid on the floor and I laid on the seats. "I really am sorry about everything I'm a complete idiot" he said. "No you don't have to apologize every time we speak" I said. "I just want to know how sorry am" he said. "Why did you help Cody write that play" I asked. "I only wanted to be his partner because I knew I would get a good grade and once he started writing about him and Bailey I started writing about you and me and all these emotions just came out I didn't think about how it would make you feel I just knew how I felt in that moment and wrote it down" he said. "Is that really how our break up played out for you" I asked. "Pretty much" he said. "I'm sorry too" I said. "Is my fault you told me how Kelsey felt about me and I ignored it" he said. "Our break up wasn't entirely your fault I  acted like a child I could've talked to you about it and maybe things would've played out differently" I said. "I Just hate knowing that I hurt you it was never my intention" he said. "Same here i didn't think about what I was doing I just knew I wanted to hurt you in the moment" I said while tearing up . "I guess we're both idiots"he said. "Yeah I guess so" I said now crying. "Hayley don't cry" Zack said while sitting up. He hugged me. "It's okay" he said. He pulled away and smiled.

I looked at him then without thinking I kissed him. I pulled away quickly and waited. He looked at me then leaned in to kiss me.

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