Romeo and Juliet

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"For the end of the year project were going to preform Romeo and Juliet" Ms. Tutweiller said. "The last time we had a play it didn't go so well" Woody said. "Well this time it's a an actual story and not a shady written story" she said. I looked over at Zack. He looked over at me and gave me a small smile. We haven't talked about what happened a few weeks ago. Mostly because every time he tried to talk about it I found an excuse to leave. "So Romeo is going to be Zack" she said. "And Juliet will be Hayley" she said with a smile. "What why" I asked. "You have the Juliet look" she said. Before I could debate with her the bell rang. "The play is going to be Friday so everyone has a week to learn the lines" Ms. Tutweiller said as she handed out skripts. I started walking back to my room when Dylan grabbed me. "Hey" I said. "Hey" he said. He kissed me and I said "I'm playing Juliet in the school play" I said. "That's so great" he said. "Yeah but Zacks playing Romeo" I said. "Oh" he said with a frown. "But it's fine I mean we're friends so it's fine it's fine" I said. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself" he said. "Neither" I said. "Look it's just acting I know that you and Zack are both over everything" he said. "Yeah I mean we haven't even talked about a few weeks ago" I said. Shit. I instantly relized what I said. Dylan looked at me. "What happened a few weeks ago" he asked. "You know when he showed up in kettle corn with Cody because he thought Bailey and I were in danger we haven't even talked about him coming I guess that's just what friends do" I said with a fake laugh. "Oh for a second I thought you were going to tell me you two kissed or something" he said with a laugh. "Oh god no" I said with another fake laugh as we walked to my room. That was close.

Zacks POV
"Ms. Tutweiller there's a lot of kisses Hayleys not going to want to do this" I said. "She'll be fine" she said. "You know she's my ex why would you pick her you could've picked Maya" I said. "I know you still have feelings for her" she said in a whisper as Hayley walked into the room. "Let's practice" Hayley said. "Thank me later" Ms. Tutweiller said. "I don't think we should kiss until the actual play" she said. "Why" I asked. "Just so it will be more real" she said. "Okay yeah that's a good idea" I said. We spent the rest of the evening going over lines.

Hayleys POV
Today the last day of school and the play is tonight. "London I'm freaking out" I said. "Just kiss him quick so you don't feel anything" she said. "You really think that'll work" I asked. "Sure I've done it a few times during breakups" she said. "Hopefully it works" I said. "Are you still hiding it from Dylan" she asked. "I can't tell him and there's no point because it was a mistake one that I'll never make again" I said. "Are you sure" she asked. "Positive" I said. I went to all my classes. I ate lunch with Dylan. After school was over I went back to my room and started to get ready. I did light makeup and London curled my hair. London had a Juliet costume so I just wore that. "Okay I'm ready" I said. "Let's go show them what you've got" London said. "Let's go" I said.she opened the door but I stopped. "What's wrong" she asked. "What if I feel something" I said. "Just do it like this" she said while giving me a quick kiss. "London" I said in shock. "Did you feel something" she asked. "No I just feel like my Bestfriend kissed me" I said. "Exactly so just kiss him fast" she said. We walked onto the sky deck. Everyone's already seated. "Good luck" London said. "Thanks" I said. I walked backstage and saw Zack. He turned at looked at me with wide eyes. "You look beautiful" he said. "Thank you, you too I mean you look really nice" I said. He smiled then Ms. Tutweiller said "okay zack your on". Zack went on stage and I waited for my cue.

So far everything is fine.Dylan's in the audience watching us. Any time I look at him he smiles. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready standTo smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" Zack said. "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,Which mannerly devotion shows in this
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss" I said. "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too" he said. "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer" I said. O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair" he said. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake" I said.
Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take" he said. Just kiss him fast I thought to myself. He leaned in and I took a deep breathe. He kissed me. It was a gental kiss. He pulled away. Before he could say his next line I kissed him again. I could tell he was shocked at first but it didn't take long for him to kiss me back. He put his hand on my face and I moved closer. I don't know how much time went by before Zack finally pulled away. I relized what I did. I looked over just in time to see Dylan frowning. "Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged" he said."Then have my lips the sin that they have took" I said."Sin from thy lips?O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again"he said. I had a plan to not kiss him like that again but it failed as soon as his lips touched mine. We kissed more than the last time. "You kiss by the book" I said out of breathe. We've been through half the play and several more kisses. It's time for our deaths now. "Thus with this kiss I die" Zack said. He kissed me and it took everything in me to not kiss him back. We finished the play and everyone clapped. "You two did amazing" ms. Tutweiller said. I looked around but didn't see Dylan. "We're all going eat sushi do you want to come" Cody asked. "No im just going to head to bed"I said. "Okay and Hayley you need to try harder to act like you don't like Zack your a good actress but your not that good" Cody said with a smirk then walked away. "Shit" I said out loud. I went to my room and Dylan was sitting on my bed. "Why did you leave" I asked. "I love you" he said. "What" I asked. "I love you and I want to be with you but I can't pretend like I don't know you and Zack still have feelings for each other" he said. "I don't know what to say" I said. "Tell me if those kisses were a part of the play or were the real" he said. "Dylan" I said. "Please just tell me the truth" he said. "They were fake honestly" I said. He looked like he was deep in thought. "Did anything else ever happen between you two" he asked. I know if I tell him about kettle Korn he'll never speak to me again. "No" I said. "So the only thing that's ever happened is tonight" he asked. "Yeah just tonight" I said. "Do you want to be with him" he asked. "No dylan I want you I told you all those kisses were us acting" I said. "You really want to be with me" he said. "I do" I said. He kissed me then said "come on let's watch a movie". We watched a movie then fell asleep.

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