Corn festival

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After a 20 muintes drive I saw a huge boat. The car stopped and I jumped out. "Hi I'm Cody" a blonde haired boy said. "Hi I'm Hayley" I said. "I'm woody You're pretty" the boy next to him said. "Hayley" I said. "I'm so glad you came" Cody said as him and Woody carried my bags onto the boat.

Zacks POV
"So not only do I have to share a room with Bailey but now I have to share it with her sister for a week" London said. "Stop complaining" I said. "You try sharing a room with corn folk" London said. "Look we both know baileys sister is going to be like her but Probably more country and lame the younger ones are always lame" I said. "You don't have a younger brother" London said. "Cody" I said. "I thought you two are twins" she said confused. "Never mind" I sighed. "Well where are they" she asked. "Cody texted me a few minutes ago saying they're coming she's putting her stuff up then coming" I said. "Great" she said. Suddenly Woody came running. "What's wrong with you" I asked. "Baileys younger sister is a hottie" he said. "Yeah right I'll believe it when I see it" I said. "Look for yourself" he said then pointed. I turned to see Cody walking with the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She has long brown hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen. "That's her sister" London said shocked. "You're telling me" I said. "Hey guys this is Hayley" Cody said. I looked at her. "Hi I'm Zack" I said while holding my hand out. She looked at me and smiled. "I'm Hayley" she said while shaking my hand. "You sure you're Bailey sister" London asked. "Yep" she laughed. "You dress so cute though" London said. "Thank you" she said. "You and I are going to be best friends" London said. Before Hayley could respond London grabbed her hand and they walked away. "Bye Cody" Hayley said as London pulled her away. "Bye" Cody laughed. "Dude" I said while slapping codys arm. "What" he cried in pain. "You didn't tell me Baileys sister was hot" I said. "I didn't know until today" he said. "I can't wait for tonight" I said. "I thought you weren't coming" he said. "I'm going anywhere that girl goes" I said then walked away.

Hayleys POV
London and I went to the room so she could show me her closet. "Your clothes are so cute" I said while looking through her closet. "Pick something you like" she said. "Really" I asked. "Really" she said. "Okay" I said. "Bailey said she's not allowed to touch your stuff" I said as I tried on a red dress. "Bailey also can't dress so everything that I own would just look weird on her" London said. "I tell her to dress better but she never listens" I said. "Yesterday she dressed like a piicnic table" London said. "I told her to stop wearing that damn dress" I said. London laughed. "I think I like this one" I said. "I love it" she said. I picked a light blue dress and silver heels. "I'm not sure when I'll ever wear this though" I said. "What are you wearing tonight" I asked. "This cowgirl outfit that I got bedazzled" she said. "Aww that's so cute" I said. "Let's go buy you one" she said. "London I can't ask you to buy me this" I said. "I want to now come on by the time we get back Bailey will be done with tutoring" she said. We went to this cute boutique and got me the exact same outfit except in blue. We walked to the smoothie bar and saw Bailey. "What's my surprise" I heard her ask. "Look over there" Cody said while pointing at me. "Hayley" she screamed and jumped up. We ran to each other and hugged. "What are you doing here" she asked. "London flew me out to see you" I said. "Thank you London" Bailey said. "No Problem we're Besties" London said. "Okay you three go to the room and come back at 7" Cody said. "Let's go" I said. We went back to the room. "What's going on" Bailey asked. "Just get dressed" London said. London and I put on our matching outfits. "London I thought you didn't match with people" Bailey said. "I don't match with you" London said. "Ouch" Bailey said while rolling her eyes. London put my hair in pig tails and did my makeup. Once it was 7 we all went to the sky deck. Everything was decorated to look like the corn festalble. "Oh my god" everything looks amazing she said. "I knew you were homesick so I figured I could bring home to you" Cody said. "Cody thank you" Bailey said while hugging him. I smiled and let her walk off with him. "Hey" Zack said from behind me. "Hi" I said. "We didn't really get the chance to talk" Zack said. "I guess we didn't" I said. "How are you liking the boat" he asked. "I really like it" I said. "How old are you" he asked. "14" I said. "Wow a year younger" he said. "Yeah" I said. "Where do you go to school" he asked. "I'm homeschooled but I plan on coming here next year" I said. "Really"'he said. "Yeah" I said. I've been talking to Zack during the whole party. Every else is playing games but we didn't feel like it. We're looking at the water right now. "I don't know you but I feel like I do" he said. "I know what you mean" I said. He smiled. I can't even pretend like I'm not attracted to him. "I'm glad you feel it" he said. I smiled. He started to lean in. I didn't try to stop him. Right before he could kiss me London yelled. "Two more surprises". "Josh and Moose" Bailey yelled. As soon as she yelled Josh I quickly stepped away from Zack and turned. "Hayley" josh said once he spotted me. "Hi" I said while hugging him. He kissed me then asked "why haven't you been answering my texts" he said. "I was getting to know Baileys friends" I said. "Oh" josh said looking at Zack. "Im josh her boyfriend" josh said. "Zack" Zack said. I could feel the tension. "I'll talk to you later Zack" I said then walked off with Josh. "I didn't know you were coming" I said. "I missed you so much so I just decided to" he said. "Great" I said as he kissed me. I can't believe I almost let a boy I just met kiss me what the hell is wrong with me.

Zacks point of view
"This is awful" Cody said. "Why" London asked. "Why would you fly Baileys ex boyfriend out when you know I want her" Cody snapped. "I didn't know" London said. "I spent two hours telling you how much I love her" Cody snapped. "Yeah and now Josh is here making moves all over my future wife" I snapped. "Dude not the time" Cody said. "Well why don't you two just tell them how you feel" she asked. "Because you brought their boyfriends here" Cody and I yelled at the same time. "Oops" she said then walked away. "Zack do us all a favor and leave Hayley alone it's not like you even want a girlfriend" Cody said then walked off. I walked by Hayley and heard her and josh talking. "Are you all packed to go home" josh asked. "Actually I'm staying for a 5 days London and I agreed on it" she said. "Oh" he said. Cody crowned Bailey the crown Queen and soon after everyone left.

                           Hayleys POV
"Let's go josh, Bailey doesn't even want me back" Moose said. "Are you sure you don't want to come back" josh asked. "I'm sure" I said. "Okay well I'll see you when you get home" he said then kissed me. After everything was cleaned up everyone else went to bed but I stayed on the deck to look at the stars. "They left you out here" Zack asked. "No I like sitting outside at night" I said. "It's nice" he said then sat next to me. "Yeah" I said. "So you and josh" he said. "I'm sorry for not telling you" I said. "Why didn't you" he asked. "I guess it because I kinda have a small crush on you" I said. "You do" he said. "It's stupid and weird because we just met but yeah I do" I said. "Well for what it's worth I have one on you to" he said. "But I love josh so" I said. "Yeah duh" he said. "At least we both know" I said. "Right" he said. "Why are you so eager to get out of kettle pot" he asked. "Kettle corn" I laughed. "And because I want to see the world not be stuck in a tiny part of it" I said. "You felt trapped" he asked. "I have to get out" I said. "From kettle corn or from something else" he asked. "I'm not sure yet" I said. We talked for hours about everything. "Shit look at the time" I said. "What time is it" he asked. "3 in the morning" I said then got up. "I haven't noticed" Zack said while looking at me. I blushed then said "I should try and go to sleep" I said. "Goodnight Hayley" he said. "Goodnight Zack" I said then walked back to the room.

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