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"It's Grammy Picketts 90th birthday we have to go back home for a few days" Bailey said. "Do you have money for a plan ticket" I asked. "You two can take my blouse blimp" London said. "You won't need it" I asked. "No im going to paris" London said. "Then it's settled" Bailey said. We packed our bags and waited for the boat to dock. London got her driver to pick us and and take us to the blimp. "I can't believe a blouse blimp is a thing" Bailey said as we sat down. Dylan decided to visit his family while I'm gone so at least I don't have to worry about him being lonely. We were on the blimp for 3 hours then finally it landed. "Ugh I've missed kettle corn" Bailey said as we got into a rusty pickup truck. They don't have good car rental places her it was either this or a tracktor. "Mom and dad are going to be so surprised" Bailey said. "I know I haven't been here since the last break" I said. "Dang I didn't realize it was that long" she said. "Well I came for a few hours on Christmas Day but then London's jet picked us up" I said. "Yeah I remember after y'all left I was stuck by myself" she said. "Sorry" I said. Before she could say anything the truck made a loud noise then came to a stop. "What's going on" I asked. "It's a old truck" Bailey said then got out. She looked under the hood and it was all black. "We need a Mcanic" she said. "Great" I said. "We're going to have to walk" Bailey said. "The suns setting I'm not walking around kettle corn at night" I said. "Well then I guess we're stuck here until morning" she said. "I guess so" I said. Suddenly the wind picked up and we heard weird noises. We looked at each other then quickly got back into the truck. "It's fine we can walk and get someone as soon as the sun comes up" she said. "Good idea" I said. We heard more weird noises then something fell onto the car. I looked and it looked like the corn goblin. The one thing I've truly feared since I was a kid. Bailey and I both started to scream. "It's the corn goblin" I screamed.Her phone ring and she answered it. "Cody help something out here help" she yelled. "What did he say" I asked. "My phone died" Bailey said. It was fully dark now. We can't see anything. Bailey and I sat together waiting for morning to come.

Cody's POV
"Bailey hello Bailey" I yelled. "Zack is Hayley with Bailey" I asked. "Yeah London said they both went to Kettle corn" he said. "I just tried calling Bailey she was yelling and I think I heard Hayley crying in the background they were saying help then the phone hung up" he said. "Did you try calling back" he asked. "Duh" I said. "Okay let me call Haykey" he said. He tried calling but got no answer. "She's not answering what do we do" he asked. "I'm going to kettle corn" I said. "I'm coming" he said. "Why" I asked. "To make sure Hayleys okay dumbass" he said. We both went to our rooms and packed small bags. I got Moseby to get my car out of the ships storage then Zack and I left.

Hayleys POV
I woke up with a major cramp in my neck. Bailey was asleep next me. I slowly looked out the window and saw a scarecrow sitting on the car. I sighed in relief. "Bailey wake up" I said while tapping her. She opened her eyes and instantly looke out the window. "It was just scarecrow" she said. "I know what are we going to do" I asked. "Walk" she said. We both grabbed our bags then started walking through the corn fiked.

Zacks POV
After hours of driving we were finally in kettle corn. Cody knew Baileys address because he used to send her letters when they were apart. We pulled up to the house and got out. Cody knocked on the front door and a man answered. "How can I help you" he asked. "Mr. Pickett I'm Cody" Cody said. "As in the Cody who broke my poor Bailey's heart" the man asked. "Yes" Cody said nervously. "And let me guess you're Zack the one who broke my poor Hayleys heart" Mr. Pickett snapped. "I guess so" I said. "You two can leave" he said then slammed the door shut. Cody started banging on the door again and this time a lady answered. "What can I do for you" she asked. "Those are the two idiots that broke our poor daughters hearts" Mr. Pickett yelled. "Cody and Zack" she said. "Yeah" I said. "What brought you two out here" she asked. "Bailey and Hayley were coming to surprise Grammy Pickett for her birthday but when I called Bailey last night her and Hayley were screaming and we've been trying to get in contact with them ever since but neither one of them are answering I think they're in danger so I wanted to know if they were here" Cody said. "No they're not here" she said looking worried. "Well then we need to go look for them where else would they be" Mr. Pickett said. "My poor babies" Ms. Pickett said. "Cone on let's go look for them" Mr. Pickett said. Just as we were all about to leave Cody yelled. "Oh my god" I looked over and saw Hayley and Bailey walking towards the house. "Hayley" I yelled. I ran to her and hugged her. She didn't hug me back. "Zack" she asked confused. "I'm so glad you're okay" I said. "I'm fine" she said as she pulled away. "What are you doing here" Bailey asked. "Well when the phone hung up I got worried and since neither one of you would answer the phone and we heard you screaming we came here to make sure you were okay" Cody said. "You were really worried" Hayley said. "Yes" I said. "My babies" Ms. Pickett said as she hugged Hayley and Bailey. "Happy birthday Grammy Prickett" Bailey said. I hadn't even noticed a little old woman sitting in the rocking chair on the porch. "I think she's asleep" Cody said. "She's been asleep the last 12 years"Hayley said. "Bailey can we talk" Cody asked. "Sure" Bailey said. "Hayley we need to talk" I said. "I have nothing to say to you" she said. She walked inside and I followed. We walked into her old bedroom. It was all purple just like her stuff on the ship. "Get out" she said. Her hair was all messy and she looked tired but she somehow looked so Beautiful. "Stop staring at me and get out" she snapped. "Please just let me explain" I said. "Zack I slept in a car all night let me change my clothes" she said. "Oh right sorry I just don't want to leave you" I said. "Fine stay but turn around" she said. "We slept together and now your telling me turn around" I asked. "But we're broken up now and keep your voice down before my dad hears you" she said. I turned around as she changed. "What did you want to tell me" she asked. "I'm sorry about everything I was so stupid for writing that play" I said. "Yeah you were" she said. I turned around as she zipped her bag. She opened the door and walked out. "Hayley I still" I started to say but then her dad said "look it's my two favorite boys". Josh and Moose were walking towards the house. "Josh" Hayley said. "Hayley" josh said. They instantly hugged. "Look at you, you look so good with short hair" josh said. "Thank you" Hayley said. Josh looked over at me. "Oh I thought you two broke up" he said. "We did" she said quickly. "How are things with Dylan" josh asked. "Really good" she said. "Im Happy for you" he said. "Your so sweet josh" she said. "Sorry when did you to become friends again" I asked. "Just Because we broke up it doesn't mean we stop talking" josh said while rolling his eyes. "I Would ask why you two broke up but I already know" Zack snapped. "I would ask you the same thing but I already know to" josh barked. "Anyways josh let's go see what Moose and Bailey are talking about" Hayley said while pulling josh away.

Hayleys POV
Moose is trying to talk Bailey into getting back together with him so josh and I left. "So why is he here" Josh asked. "It's a long story" I said. "I'd be happier to see you if the guy who broke us up wasn't here" he said. "I know but I didn't know he was coming" I said. "Well you're not making him leave either" josh said. I didn't say anything. "Do you still have feelings for him" he asked. "Of Course not" I said. "Good I was worried" josh said with a laugh. After josh and I broke up we promised to remain friends. We texted Occasionally but once Zack and I broke up we started talking every night. There's no hard feelings between us. We're actually better off as friends. Plus he's really happy for Dylan and I. Josh and I talked for a little while longer then Dylan called. I filled him in on everything that happened. "So are Zack and Cody staying" Dylan asked. "I'm not sure actually" I said. "That's akward" he said. "Yeah I know" I said. After a few more muintes of talking we said our goodbyes. We all went inside and sang happy birthday to Grammy Pickett. After I was sitting on the porch when Zack sat next to me. "We still need to talk" he said. "About what because as far as I'm concerned we have absolutely nothing to talk about" I said. "Yes there is there's a lot actually" he said. "Well maybe I don't feel like hearing it" I said. "Why not" he said. "When I told you not to talk to me anymore I meant it" I said. "Hayley I still" he started to say. "Twister" my mom yelled.

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