The start

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"Text me as soon as you get there" I said as Bailey walked out the door. "I will" she said as she hugged me. "I wish you weren't leaving me" I said. "You'll be with me next year it won't be that long" she said. "I'm going to be stuck here" I said. "It's not forever" she said as she got into the car with mom. "Bye" she said. "Bye" I said as they drove off. "Come on" my dad said. We went inside and he poured me a glass of lemonade. "Don't look so sad Hayley it's all going to be okay" he said. "I just wish I was off this farm" I said. "You never did like it here much" he said. "I just want to travel I hate being stuck here" I said. "Try to look on the bright side now you have more space with Bailey gone" he said. "I guess" I replied. He walked outside leaving me to my thoughts. It's not that I hate the farm I just hate never going anywhere. I went into my room and sat down. I scrolled through different social media's then Bailey texted me. "Just got to my room I already love it here" she said. The only downfall is she's pretending to be a boy since all the girls rooms were filled. She told me about the plan and my boyfriend Josh gave her some of his clothes. "Good luck dude" I texted. She sent back a laughing face and I sighed. Maybe things won't be so bad I thought as I drifted into sleep. "Hayley" a voice said. "Hmm" I replied. "You didn't answer my calls" josh said as he sat on my bed. "I was sleeping" I said. "Wake up" he said then kissed me. "Why" I asked. "Because I want to spent time with you" he said. "Course you do" I laughed. He leaned onto my wall then pulled me closer. "Has Bailey said anything" he asked. "Yeah she texted me a few hours ago saying that she loves her room. "Isn't she rooming with a guy" he asked. "Yep" I said. "Who knows maybe she'll date him since her and Moose are done" he said. "Who knows" I said. We spent the rest of the evening together.

It's been a month since Bailey left. We get on the phone every night and text constantly. I was sitting outside when Moose and Josh walked over. "Hey" Moose said. "Hey" I said. "Has your sister asked about me" he asked. "No" I said. "Oh" he said looking sad. "Moose come on man you need to do something to get over Bailey" Josh said. Moose sighed but said nothing. "She got caught pretending to be a boy but since they liked her application so much they let her room with a girl" I said. "She was staying with a boy" Moose asked. "Yeah a boy named Zack" I said. Moose sighed again. Before I could come up with something to say my phone rang. I got up and walked away.It's an unknown number. "Hello" I said. "Hayley" a boy asked from the other side. "Yeah" I said confused. "Hi I'm Cody Martin I'm Friends with your sister" he said. "Okay hi" I said. "Baileys really homesick so I'm thinking about throwing her a corn festable and I'd like you to come" he said. "I would but I can't afford a plan ticket" I said. "Our friend London is going to pay for it" he said. "Bailey said London treats her like shit" I said. "Yeah she's complicated but since the money is covered will you come" he asked. "Yeah anything to get off this farm" I said. "Technically it'll feel like you're in kettle corn again but you'll be on a boat" he said. "That works for me" I said. "Okay I'll see you when you get here" he said. "Okay bye" I said then hung up. "Who was that" josh asked. "One of Baileys friends" I said. "I just got the same call but from a girl" Moose said. "London" I asked. "Yeah she's going to but me a plan ticket so I can see Bailey" he said. "Same" I said. "Oh I knew it my Bailey wants me back I've got to go pack" Moose said. "You think she wants to" josh asked. "I'm not sure she seemed pretty Adamant on the fact when she broke up with him before she left" I said. Apparently Cody already talked to my mom and she agreed to let me go.Moose isn't coming until later in the day so his plan is a few hours behind mine.My flights Tomorrow morning at 7. I spent the rest of the night packing my bag. The next morning Josh and I said our goodbyes then my mom and I left. "You have everything you need" my mom asked. "Yes" I said. "Okay I love you" she said. "I love you too" I said as we hugged. I got on the plan then sat down. I put on my headphones and fell asleep. I woke up to an announcement saying that we were about to land. I can't believe I slept for 5 hours. The plan landed and I got off. London's driver picked me up from the airport then we drove to where the boat was docked.

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