We can all hear you crying

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The three of us got on London's helicopter and headed back to the boat. Within minutes I was fast asleep. I woke up to Zack tapping my shoulder. "We're back baby" he said. I opened my eyes and sure enough we were landed. I stood up and grabbed my bags. As soon as I walked onto the boat Bailey hugged me. "So I take it things went well" she said while looking at Zack and I holding hands. "Yeah it did" I said. "It's good to have you back" Moseby said. "It's only been a day" Zack said. "This is why we can't have nice moments" Moseby said. "Fine bring it in" Zack said as he hugged Moseby. After we finished talking Zack and I went back to his room. "Come here" he said. I walked up to him and he hugged me tightly. "I love you so much" he said.

The next morning Moseby called everyone to the sky deck. "What is it" I asked. "I have no idea" Bailey said. "Hush just wait" Cody said with a huge smile. We all watch as Moseby got down on one knee in front of Ms. Tutweiller. "Emma I know you and I have only been together a few months but I've never met someone like you and I know that I love you so I see no reason to wait Emma Tutweiller will you marry me" he said. "Yes" she screamed. "Who knew" I said. "I did" Cody said. "Are you sure you want to do this" London asked. "Shut up" Ms. Tutweiller snapped. "This is so great I have to call my mother and tell her she was wrong about me being alone" she yelled as she ran off. After about an hour of talking about the wedding they decided to get married on graduation day since there's no point in waiting. I haven't relized how close graduation is until everyone started talking about it. It's in 3 weeks. "I still can't believe Hayley is graduating with us" woody said. "I worked my ass off since first grade for this" I said proudly. "It's true Hayley always has been really serious when it comes to school she's just careless in everything else" Bailey said. "Just like your careless when buying clothes" London said. "When Zack and Hayley are on good terms he gets better grades" Cody said. "Because I teach him" I said. "She teaches me in school and I teach her other things" zack said with a smirk. "Zack" I said. "It's not like we don't know" London said. "One time I heard them from my room" Cody said. "Stop it" I said feeling really embarrassed. "It's okay because we can hear Cody crying when him and Bailey do it" zack said. "I was crying because I hit my head on the wall" Cody said. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it. "Can we please talk about something else" Woody said. "Woody have you and Addison done it yet" Zack asked. "No" woody said. "Oh so your just bitter" London said. "London when's the last time you did anything" Woody asked. "You'd be surprised" she said. "Tell us" Zack said. "I don't kiss and tell" she said. "I respect that" Cody said. "I'm changing the subject to prom" Bailey said. "It's in 3 weeks" I said. "Exactly so we need to start preparing" she said. "We should go dress shopping Friday" London said. "I agree" I said. "Okay and Cody can start working on my prom Queen campaign" baikey said. "I'm running so you'll have Competition" London said. "Actually you can't run because you already won at your last 2 high schools I already talked to Moseby" Bailey said. "Aww man" London sighed. "Why don't you run" London asked me. "I won homecoming Queen I don't need another crown" I said. I couldn't help but think about homecoming. It was in 10th grade. Zack and I won homecoming king and queen. It was amazing.

We all hung out until it was curfew.

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