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"What are you doing" I asked. "I try to stay away from Zack but I can't. I feel bad for cheating on Dylan but I can't push my feelings away. What if I never love Dylan the way I love Zack" Dylan read. "I'm sorry" I said. "You cheated on me" he asked. "I'm sorry" I said. "You cheated on me in Kettle corn then you cheated on me all summer and you cheated a few weeks ago" he said in a low voice. "You were never supposed to" I tried to say. "Find out" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Do you love me" he asked. "Dylan" I said. "Do you love me" he asked again. I can't lie to him anymore. "No" I said. "Then why say yes to my proposal" he asked. "I love you but I'm not in love with you" I admitted. "But you love him" he asked. "I always have" I said. He looked heartbroken. "So this whole time you've been with me you've loved him" he asked. "Yes I tried to stop but it never went away" I said. "Is that why you didn't want me to press charges" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Did you ever love me" he asked. "Dylan please" I said. "For once in our relationship tell me the truth did you ever love me" he said. "No but I wanted to"I said. "I can't believe this" he said. "I'm so sorry Dylan you never deserved any of this it was me not knowing how I felt and acting like a child none of this is on you. You deserve better" I said as I took off the ring. "You deserve someone who can love you I'm not that person" I said. I gave him the ring and he looked down. He stood up then said "even though it wasn't real for you it was real for me and even if you don't love me I want to thank you for letting me fall in love. It was nice knowing you Hayley I wish you all the happiness" he said then walked out the door.

I quickly changed then ran to Moseby office. "Mr. Moseby" I said. "Ms. Tutweiller already filled me in" he said. "It wasn't Zacks fault" I said. "Hayley this was dangerous" he said. "I know" I said. "Why would you risk you life why would you be so stupid" he asked. "I love him" I said. "Zack Martin that's who we're talking about right" he asked. "Yes I love him" I said. "I never thought I'd see the day" he said. "I have to see him" I said. "I'm sorry but he was expelled and he left for bosten yesterday" he said. "He's gone" I asked. "I'm sorry" he said. "Thank you for telling me" I said. "Hayley" Ms. Tutweiller said. "No im sorry for everything I need to go" I said. I began to cry. I ran to my room and locked the door. "Hayley what's wrong" London asked. I explained everything to her. "You need to go to bosten" she said. "I can't go" I said. "Why" she asked. "He doesn't want me to" I said. "Hayley I've never seen two people who love each other the way you and Zack do. Go to bosten" she said. "I don't have a plan ticket" I said. "Now that I'm thinking about it I do have some clothes at the Tipton that I need" she said with a smile. "Really" I asked. "Really" she said. I got up and began packing a small bag. "Your really going see him" Bailey asked. "I have to" I replied. "I think it's a good idea since all Zack does now is scratch his nose and pick his butt" Cody said in disgust. "I think you said that backwards" I said. "Nope I said it the right way" Cody said.London called her hellacopter to pick us up. "I've never been in a hellacopter" I said as we got in. "Thers a first time for everything" she said. After a few hours we landed in Bosten. London's driver picked us up and brought us to the Tipton. "This place is huge" I said. "Never mind that he's in suite 2330" she said. "Okay wish me luck" I said. "You don't need it" she said. I went to the elevator and waited. I walked to the suite and knocked. Zack opened the door.

"Hayley" he said. "You weren't going to say goodbye" I asked referring back to when he asked me the same after the first time I visited the boat.

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