Summer ended

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Monday morning I woke up to my alarm going off. "Goodmorning" Bailey said. "Morning" I said. I took a shower then got dressed. London and I went get coffee then we went to class. Ms. Tutweiller and I talked yesterday and I found out I have enough credits to graduate early with my friends. As long as I keep making good grads I'll be fine. Ms.Tutweiller walked in and started talking about plans for the year. I looked over at Zack and smiled. The whole day went by like normal. After school Dylan asked me to go to his room. "You wanted to see me" I asked as I kissed him. "I want to give you something" he said. "What is it" I asked. "Sit down" he said. I sat down and he sat next to me. He pulled out a small box and a ring. "Oh my god" I said. "Hayley I love you and I want to be with you forever" he said. I just staired. "I know we already made plans for me to stay on the boat until you graduate and I'm still doing that and I know your young but I know I want to be with you. So when you turn 18 and graduate I want to get engaged" he said. "You're proposing to me" I asked. "This is more of a promise ring but once you turn 18 it's going to be an engagement ring" he said. "Oh my god" I said. "So what's your answer" he asked. "Yes" I said. He smiled then kissed me.

"I can't believe it look how big that diamond is" Bailey said. "I know" I said with a huge smile. "You two must have had a great summer" London said. "Actually we spent the whole summer apart" I said. "So what did you do" London asked. "Just hung out around the boat" I said. "Did you avoid Zack" a baikey asked. "No we hung out a few times" I said. "And did what" London asked. "We watched movies and hung out in the arcade a lot nothing special" I said. "Your summer sounds boring" London said. "It was" I said. We spent the rest of the night talking about what we all did over summer. The next day I told Zack about Dylan's proposal. He wasn't happy but he knew that once summer ended so did we.

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