I still love you

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Where the hell is my other pearl earring. I've been looking for it for half an hour. The only other place it could be is Zacks room. I went to his room and used my key to get in. "What are you doing here" he asked. "I'm looking for my other earring where are you going" I asked. He's dressed nicely. "I have a date with Maya I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend again" he said. "Why" I asked. "Because the first time I messed it up and I'm finally ready to make things right with her" he said. "But you don't even like dating" I said. "Well I think it's time" he said. "But" I started to say. "Why do you care" he asked. "What about what we had" I asked. "You ended that remember" he said. "I know but I didn't know you were over it already" I said. "Hayley you broke up with me  last year and you ended things again once summer ended" he said. "I'm aware" I said. "So what you get to have a boyfriend and be happy and I'm supposed to wait for you to want to sleep with me again" he snapped. "No im not saying that" I said. "Then what are you saying" he asked. "I don't know" I said. "You never do" he said. "Zack" I said. "Your the one who said yes to marrying Dylan" he said. "That's not until next year and even then we're just engaged" I said. "Exactly no one forced you to say yes but you did so don't come in here and try to stop me from being happy" he snapped. He put his jacket on then headed to the door. I grabbed his hand and moved closer. "Stay here with me" I said. "Why should I" he said. "I'm the one you want" I said then kissed him. He pulled away then said "not anymore". He opened the door and before I could stop myself I said "I still love you". He looked at me and said "I've chased you for the last year and a half and you've only wanted sex. You chose Dylan and now I'm choosing Maya. You didn't want me so now I don't want you. Oh and after months of you flaunting your relationship excuse me if I don't give a shit how you feel" he snapped then slammed the door shut. I started to cry. I'm such an idiot. I should've known that wouldn't work. I should've known he wouldn't pine over me forever. It's my own fault.

To say Zacks pissed and avoiding me would be an understatement and to say I'm ready ready to be off this boat is an understatement. "Do you think I'd be able to graduate early" I asked. "If you keep your grades up then yes by the end of the year you'll have enough" Ms. Tutweiller said. "Okay I just wanted to make sure" I said. Just as I was about to turn the corner I saw Zack and Maya. I walked over to Cody who was folding towels. "Cody do you think you could talk Moseby into giving me a job I need some extra money" I said. "Yeah I'm sure he'd love to give you a job" Cody said. "Thank you" I said. Later that day Moseby came to my room and told me I could start working at the smoothie bar with Zack. I tried to ask if I could have a different job but he said that was the only one he could give me. I woke up the next morning and went to work. "Hey" I said. "Hey" Zack said. "Did Moseby speak to you" I asked. "He did" he said. "Good" I said. "Just go collect the empty cups" Zack said. "K" I responded. It's been three months since I started working with Zack. At first it was weird but now it's normal. I was talking to Dylan on my break when I saw Zack and Maya kiss. "Do you want to go to dinner tonight to celebrate" Dylan asked. Dylan and I made a year yesterday. "I would but I have to work late" I said. "Again" he said. "Yep" I said. "I wish you didn't have to work so much" he said. "I know but I'm saving up" I said. "I understand" he said. "Do you" I asked. I mean it's true Dylan's always gotten whatever he's wanted so he really doesn't understand but I shouldn't have said that. "Wow okay" he said. "I'm sorry I'm just having a bad day" I said. He kissed me softly. "I should get back to work" I said. "Okay I'll see you later" he said. I contained to clean up and when I looked at the clock it was already 9. Everyone was off the sky deck and it's quiet. I went behind the counter to wash the dishes. Zacks phone kept dinging. He looked at it and smiled. My chest instantly began to hurt. "Okay well I'm done for tonight" I said. "Yeah I've heard that before" Zack said. "Look Zack I get it I pissed you off and I'm sorry but I don't need the stupid ass remarks" I snapped. "Oh I'm so sorry" he said. "And you wonder why I picked him" I snapped. "Actually you didn't you had to since I rejected you" he snapped. "Well if I recall I'm the one who dumbed your sorry ass to begin with" I snapped. "Well I hope your lawyer boyfriend makes you happy" he snapped. "He Will because unlike you he knows how to not be a jack ass" I snapped. "Yeah if only he could teach you" he fired back. "Breaking up with you was the best choice I've ever made" I barked. "Yeah well rejecting you was the best thing I've ever done" he snapped. "Really" I snapped. "Really" he snapped. Before I could breathe he kissed me. I kissed him back instantly. He pushed the cups off the counter then picked me up and put me on it. I quickly unbuttoned his pants and he pulled done my shorts. Everything was moving fast but slow at the same time. I looked into his eyes and he did the same. Finally he broke eye contact and kissed me.

After we were done I pulled up my shorts. "I should head to bed" I said. "Goodnight" he said. "Goodnight" I said.

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