The date

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We walked into the ships best restaurant. "This is the best restaurant on the ship" I said. "I know" he said. He pulled out my chair for me and I sat down. We ordered our drinks then he said "so tell me about yourself". "Well I'm 16 and a sophomore" I said. "Oh I'm 17" he said. "I plan on going to school here until I graduate" I said. "You live on the boat" he asked. "Yes" I said. "That sounds amazing" he said. "It is"I said. "I have to ask" he said. "What" I asked. "That Zack guy looked like he wanted to kill me when I asked you out so what's the deal with that" he said. "We dated" I said. "How serious" he asked. "A year and 6 months" I said. "Oh wow" he said. "We broke in Paris on our anaversy" I said. "Oh my gosh" he said. "Yeah" he said. "Do you think you two will get back together" he asked. "He'll always have a special place in my heart but no we broke up for a reason" I said. "I'm glad" he said with a smile then touched my hand.

                           Zacks POV
Maya and I walked into the restaurant and I looked around. I managed to trick London into telling what restaurant Hayley was going to. God I sound insane. I don't even know why I came here. Maya and I got a table and sat down. "I can't believe we're at the best restaurant on the ship" she said. "Yeah it's nice" I said while looking around. We ordered our drinks then our food. I looked over and finally saw Hayley sitting at a corner table. She's holding hands with Dylan and smiling. I can't even be jealous I'm with Maya. I'm the one who started dating again first. But I can't stand seeing her with him. "Zack" Maya said. "Huh" I asked. "Your not even listening to me" she said. "I am" I said. "What did I say then" she said. "I don't know" I addmited. "Are you okay you seem distracted" she said. "I'm fine" I said. Finally our food came. I barley touched my food. "Are you not going to eat" she asked. "I am" I said while taking a bite. "What's wrong" she asked. "Nothing" I said not taking my eyes off Hayley.

                                  Hayleys POV
Dylan and I talked about our childhood and what we want in the future. He's so smart and interesting. "So why are you staying on the ship" I asked. "I'm just on a vacation" he said. Dylan's mom and dad are both highly respected lawyers. In others words he's loaded. Not as much as London but still. "When do you plan on getting off" I asked. "Well now that I've met you I may never leave" he said. I blushed. We talked more and ate our food.

                        Zacks POV

"Zack" Maya said. "Yeah" I asked. "What's wrong with you" she snapped. "Nothing" I said. "You've said 5 words to me the whole time we've been here I mean what are you even looking at" she said then turned around. "Maya don't" I said. She turned back around to look at me. "Look" I said. "You mean to tell me your on a date with me but you've been starring at her the whole time" she said. "I'm sorry" I said. "Did you know she was coming" she asked. "Maya" I said. "Did you know she was coming" she asked again. "Yes" I said. "That's what I thought" she said then got up and walked out the door. "Maya wait I'm sorry" I said while following her. "She's with a whole other guy and your still only thinking about her" Maya said with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have" I said. "Shouldn't have what" she asked. "I don't know" I said. "Your not over her are you" Maya asked. "No im not" I said. "It's been 3 months" she said. "Yeah and you and I started dating   two months after that's not a long amount of time" I said. "Zack your the one who asked me out I didn't even want to go out with you at first but you perused me" she snapped. "I know and I do like you but part of the reason I tried so hard was because I wanted to move on from Hayley" I said. "Great so I'm the rebound" she said. "No yes I don't know" I said. "I love you" she said. "But you love her" she said. "I'm sorry Maya" I said. "You need to figure it out and when you do I'll be here" she said then kissed me and walked away. I sighed and looked at the water. Suddenly I heard voices. I hid behind one of the life boats and listened. "I had a really nice time" Dylan said. "Me too" Hayley said. They're holding hands. "Do you want to do this again" he asked. "I'd love to" she said. Dylan stopped walking then turned to her. "I really like you" he said. "I like you too"she said. He put his hand on her face then kissed her. He's kissing her. My Hayley. And she's not stopping him.

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