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"I'm talking to you Josh" I said. Zack look relied and josh look even more heartbroken. "What" he asked. "I said you should go" I replied. "Hayley you can't be serious" he said. "I'm sorry for hurting you but I've made up my mind now get out" I said. Josh left without another word. "Oh my god I thought you were breaking up with me" Zack said. "Never" I said then kissed him.

It's summer now.Bailey went home but I decided to stay on the boat with Zack. My birthday was last week. I'm 16 now. Zack and I spent the day watching movies and eating junk food. Now we're laying in my bed talking "No way" Zack laughed. "The summers were so boring so I used to jump of the house and into the back of my dads truck after I filled it up with water" I said. "I've done so many dangerous stunts like that" Zack laughed. "Me too I can't help but like the rush it gives me" I said. "Where have you been all my life" Zack asked. "I could ask you the same thing" I said. He looked down and kissed me. "I want you" I said. "I want you too" he said. "No I want to do it right now" I said. "Are you sure" he asked trying not to look excited. "I'm sure" I said. He smiled then kissed me. He took off my shirt then took off his. He got on top of me and continued to kiss me all over. "Are you ready" he asked. "Yes" I whispered. I wimpered from the pain. It hurt but after a few seconds it felt better. He started to go faster. "Zack" I moaned. After we were done we just staired ar each other. "How was it" he asked. "Amazing" I said. "I know" he said. "Do you want to do it again" I asked as I got on top of him. "You read my mind" he said then kissed me.

Today's the first day of school. Zack got a new roommate named Marcus so now we have to be Conscious of someone around us. Zack and I have been having a lot of sex lately so this is a good thing I think. It'll calm us down a little bit. My alarm went off at 5 like always. "Ugh no it's still summer" London yelled then pulled the covers over her head. "I wish" I said then rolled out of bed. Bailey was already up and dressed of course. "I don't see how you get up this early" I said then took my Vitamins. "I don't see how you don't like waking up early we grew up on a farm" she said. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Even though we grew up on a farm I've always hated waking up early everyone else would always be wide awake and eating breakfast and I would be falling asleep at the table. I washed my body then got out. After I brush my teeth and blowdried my hair I got dressed. "I hate this stupid sea school" London sighed. I looked over at her and saw that her eyeliner was smuged. "Let me do it" I said. After she wiped off the messed up make up I did a perfect wing on her eye. "I swear you're my soulmate" she said. I laughed then put on my mascara and pink lipgloss. After that I sprayed perfume and I was ready. "Okay I'm ready" I said. We all grabbed our bags then headed to class. I walked into class and Zack gave me a quick kiss. Once everyone was in class Ms.Tutweiller said "I'm going to pick a few students to help on the ships new news channel". "Zack,Cody,Bailey,Hayley, woody, and london" she said. "Yay us" London said while grabbing my hand. We all got up and went to the news room. "Okay Cody and Hayley you two are going to be investigative reporters" she said. "What's our story" I asked. "Someone on the ship is missing" she said. Cody and I both gasped. "Zack and Bailey you two will be co anchors" she said. "London you'll be the weather girl woody your the camera man" she said. "Okay Hayley let's go look for clues as to where this missing person might be" Cody said. "Let's go" I said. We headed to the missing persons cabin and looked around. I opened the closet and saw a bunch of clothes. "This person has a lot of nice clothes" I said. "Hayley don't touch it what if they make you a suspect" he said. "Right" I said then put it down. "I can't find any clues" Cody said. "Me Either nothings in here" I said. "Well this is just great" Cody said. "Yeah we're not off to a very good start" I said. "Should we go back" he asked. "No it hasn't been long enough Ms. Tutweiller Will just say we didn't look long enough" I said. "That's true" he said. "So how are you" I asked. "I'm okay" he said. "I'm glad to here it I was worried about you" I said. "I think I'm better now" he said. "That's good" I said.

                              Zacks POV
"Zack let me talk you keep talking over me" Bailey snapped. "Okay fine" I said. "We're back on the air" Ms.Tutweiller said. "Now we will be talking about Shuffle board Mrs. pepper men set a personal best she only stopped to go to the bathroom four times Way to go Ms. P or should I say Ms. peepee you feel me camera number one" I said with a laugh. "Anyways real news"Bailey said. "A recent report from the union of maritime workers found that male employes make 30% more then there female counterparts" she said. "ConGraduations guys" I said. "Let's shoot for 40 now let's kick it over to my Beautiful girlfriend Hayley and Cody Martin" I said.

                                Hayleys POV
After about 10 minutes Cody and I went to the hot tub for our live shot. "Testing" Cody said. "I don't think your microphones working here let me help you" I said. I tried to ajust it but it wouldn't work. "You have to put it under your shirt then pull it out from the top so it'll be closer to your mouth but it won't be that Obvious" I said. "Right okay" Cody said. He tried to do it but he couldn't. "Let me" I said. I got on my knees and lifted up his shirt. "When you see it just pull it" I said. "Okay" Cody said. "Do you see it" I asked. "Wait that tickles" Cody laughed. I started laughing with him. "Cody just grab it" I laughed. "You're on" Ms. Tutweiller yelled. Cody heard her from my ear peace. "We're on" he said in shook. I quickly pulled away and Cody pulled his shirt down. "Hey Zack" I said. "So Cody A lot of activity on the sky deck" Zack asked. "Yes I took A water sample from the hot tub and found that it was full of bacteria" Cody said. Everyone in the hot tube suddenly got out. "Unless your going to put the camera on Hayley we're not Interested" Zack said. "And now the weather with London" Baikey said. Cody and I watched in horror as London laughed at the green screen. She realize the cameras were on her she just started smiling and waving. "Hello everyone this is London fog bringing you the weather" London said. "Right now it's comfortably cool with a slight breeze coming through the vent" she said with a smile. "We're doomed" Cody sighed. "Not the weather in here the weather outside" Ms. Tutweiller yelled. "Oh okay I'll go check I'll be back" London said then ran off. "So that's the news for today this is Zack Martin" Zack said. "And Bailey Pickett" Bailey yelled. "Keep your head above water and less your tunafish then you'll die"Zack laughed. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

Zacks POV
"Well I'm off to go spend time with my girlfriend" I said. "You hardly let me talk at all today" Baikey said. "I'm the star of the show bailey get your own" I said. "You're an idiot" she said. "Sorry that's Cody's catchphrase" I said then got up.

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