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"Okay don't panic I'm sure we have supplies" Cody said. "We better" Zack said. "See we have a flare now we just need to" Cody said as he pointed the flare gun up. "Let me do it" zack said. "Why" Cody asked. "Because the only thing you've ever shot is your pee into the toilet and even then you still miss" he said as he snatched the flare gun. "Zack no" Cody yelled. "Yes" Zack yelled. "Let me" London said. She pointed the gun at the water the fired it. I watched as the flare went into the water. "Why did you do that" Cody yelled. "Don't worry the fish will see it and get us help" she said. We all glared at her. "It's okay we have food and water" Cody said while looking at the many packs of beef jerky and the bottle of water. "Oh shit" I said as I sat down. "Everything's going to be fine" Zack said as he sat next me. "We can use these blankets as a sail" Cody said. Cody and Bailey made a sail after about 20 minutes. I kept trying to get my phone to work but it was no use. None of us had signal. Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse we saw two sharks. "Okay the best way to get rid of a shark is to hit it on the nose" Cody said. "I got it" zack said.Zack hit it on the noise and it bite the oar. "The noise is by its mouth" zack yelled. "Okay let's just see how much food we have on us" Cody said. Cody had mints, Bailey had gum, and zack Ironically had a piece of baloney. I have a granola bar and lots of gum. Lucky when we got on this floating death trap I had my mini back pack with me. Okay I think we should head west" Cody said. "No we need to go East" Bailey said. "Bailey I grew up in Boston I think I know more about ships then a girl from Kettlecorn" he said. "I've gotten out of corn fields by using the stars so I say we go east" Bailey said. "West" Cody said. "OK which one of you got a higher grade in geography" Zack asked. "I got an A" Cody said. "And I got an A+ +" Bailey said. "That's not even a real thing" Cody said. "They don't tell you about it unless you earn one" Bailey snapped. "I'm with Bailey" Zack said. "How could you disagree your own brother" Cody said. "It's very easy" Zack said. " I'm with Bailey to" London and I said. After just drifting we all decided to get some sleep. Zack laid next me me. "Are you cold" he asked. "A little" I said. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. Before I knew it I was asleep. We woke up to the boat hitting something. "We hit land" Zack yelled. "Wait this isn't right"Bailey said then looked at Cody. "Did you turn our direction while we were asleep"she asked. "I saved us" he said. "But you could've killed us" She snapped. We all got out the boat."Now that we're on land I'm sure someone will find us" Cody said. "Just like they found him" Zack said while pointing at a skeleton. "I bet he didn't listen to his girlfriend either" Bailey snapped. "Bailey I'm sorry" Cody said. "you know what Cody were over" She said. "What" he said. "You literally couldn't care less about what I say or think so I'm done" She said then walked away. We all started looking for things on the island. I managed to find drinking water. "Look guys I found tree bark for us to eat" Cody said. "What are we termites" I said. "Tonight we eat like kings" Zack said holding up two large fish he cought. "How did you manage to do that" I asked. "I was the head Boy Scout in our group" he said. "Wow" I said. I spent the rest of the evening collecting berries. "Bailey I made you a bed" zack said. He made the 3 of us hammocks. "Thanks" We both said. "I can't believe you made my girlfriend a bed" Cody snapped. "I'm not your girlfriend" She said. Zack made a fire and we all sat around it. Cody and zack made London a hut between some trees. Cody decided to sleep closer to the water and zack and I had our hammocks. After a while everyone went to sleep but zack and I stayed by the fire. "How long do you think we're going to be stuck here" I asked. "I don't know" he said. "Great I'm going to die on a desert island" I said. "Hayley I'm not going to let anything happen to you" zack said then put his hand on mine. My heart started beating faster. I started to lean in and he did the same. Right before we kissed he stopped. "I really want to kiss you but I don't want you to regret it" he said. "You're right I'm sorry" I said. "Let's try to get sone sleep" he said. We've both gotten to our hammocks and managed to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up to zack tapping me. "Wake up Hayley" he said. "What" I said. "It's breakfast time" he said. I got up and sure enough we had a ton of berries to eat.After I was done eating Zack and I went to catch more fish. He got the big fish but I got a few small ones. I saw one coming my way. "I got it" I said. I tried to grab it but instead I fell into the water. Zack started laughing so I pulled him into the water. "Hey" he yelled. I started laughing and he pushed me underwater. I splashed him and he started laughing. He picked me up then went underwater. We came back up and started laughing. "Excuse me some of us are trying to stay alive while the two of you play Hardin and Tessa" Cody snapped. Zack and I got out the water. "He's just pissy because Bailey dumped him" Zack said. Cody has been walking around the island for the last 7 hours trying to come up with a way to save us. "Hayley can I talk to you" Cody asked. Zack looked at me and I said "sure". We walked a few feet away so no one could hear us. "If we go east in the boat and follow the stars we might be able to catch up to the boat. Either we'll find the boat or die out at sea" Cody said. "Bailey" I said while running up to her. I told her the plan and even though she knew it was riskey it was worth a shot. I told the others about it and they all agreed. Once the sun went down we all got into the boat and followed the stars. After 6 hours finally in the distance we saw the boat. We started screaming and Paddling. Once we were close the captain threw us a life raft and pulled us in. "You did it Cody you saved us" Bailey said then kissed him. "I thought you were mad at me" he said. "I was but at the end of the day you just saved our lives" she said. He smiled then they kissed again.

"Well I can't believe that happened" Zack said. "Thank you" I said then kissed his cheek. "For what" he asked. "You never left my side the whole time and you kept me safe" I said. "I would never leave you no matter what the situation is and I'll always keep you safe"he said. "I'm glad that it was you with me" I said. "I wouldn't change it" he said. He grabbed my hand. "Hayley I want to be with" he started to say. "Hayley" someone yelled. Zack and I turned to see Josh. "Josh" I asked confused. "I heard what happened I got on the plane as soon as I could" he said then kissed me.

                            Zacks POV
After they kissed they hugged. I decided to just leave  them to it. I was secretly hoping they were over. I figured after the time we had together. I know I need to get over this crush I have on her but it won't go away.I decided to go to my room. I'm in less pain when I'm not seeing them together.

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