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Dylan decided to go home for the summer to see his parents. He wanted me to go with him but I decided to stay on the boat. Bailey and Cody went to Boston and London went to Paris. Zack decided to stay on the boat to work and get more money saved up. "Give me a mango smoothie" I said. "Coming right up" he said. "Thank you" I said. "I'm surprised you chose to stay" he said. "I figured I could have me time" I said. "What about Dylan" he asked. "He went home to see his parents" I said. "Why didn't you go with him" he asked. "Like I said I want to have some alone time" I said. "We'll have fun" he said. "I will" I said. We talked for a little then Maya showed up. "Hey Hayley" she said with a frown. "Hi" I said. "Zack are you ready" she asked. "Yeah" he replied. Maya kissed him on the cheek then grabbed his hand. "I'll see you later" Zack said to me. "Have fun" I said. "We will" Maya replied as they walked off.

Today's my 17th birthday. Everyone called to wish me happy birthday. I went to the spa and now I'm going get a smoothie. "Happy birthday" Zack said. "Thanks" I said. He gave me my smoothie for free. We talked then I went to my room. I was reading a book in my bed when I heard a knock on the door. "Hi" I said confused. "I got you this" Zack said. He walked into the room and shut the door. I opened it. It's a necklace with a H on it. "I love it" I said. "I'm glad" he said. "Thank you Zack" I said as I hugged him. Being in his arms makes me feel so safe. I pulled away slowly. He looked at me and said."You're so beautiful". I didn't respond. He leaned in and kissed me. I didn't stop him. I didn't want to. Within seconds it got more heated. He guided me to my bed and I laid down. I took his shirt off then mine. "Zack" I moaned. "Somehow we always end up doing this" he said as he went harder. "I like doing this" I said slowly. "Me too" he said then kissed me again. After we were done we laid next to each other. "Happy birthday" he said. "Thanks" I said then kissed him. It's July now. Zack and I have been spending all summer together. Hooking up mostly. I made a deal with myself that this is only for the summer and once school starts we're back to how we were before. We were supposed to be watching a movie but we ended up kissing. "I love spending everyday with you" Zack said. "I know it's so good" I said referring to our relationship and what we're doing. "But remember we're just friends" I said. "Yeah friends who do this" he said then went down.

Tomorrow's the last day of summer vacation. Meaning everyone's coming back tomarrow. "You know this ends tomarrow" I said. "Yeah I know that's why I'm going to do you until the sun rises" he said. "I like the sound of that" I said. "I'm sure you do" he said then kissed me. We spent the rest of the night in my bed.

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