You should go

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"Josh what are doing here" I asked as I pushed Zack off me. Josh said nothing he just staired at me. "Josh" I asked. "I came to tell you I miss you and I want to be with you but Clearly your busy with the one person you told me not to worry about" he said. "Josh you shouldn't have came why would you come" I said. "Because I love you and I thought you loved me but clearly I was wrong" he said. "Josh we haven't spoken in months" I said. "So your with him now" josh asked. "Yeah I am" I said. "For how long" he asked. "Josh" I said. "How long Hayley" he asked. "3 months" I said. "Right so you broke up with me then went straight to him" josh said. I didn't say anything. Joshes eyes widened. "You didn't just dump me to be with him you cheated on me didn't you" he asked. I said nothing. "Didn't you Hayley" he said. "Yes" I said. "After you said nothing was going on after you promised you wouldn't" he snapped. "I'm sorry it just happened" I said. "When" he asked. "In Paris" I said. "Well I'm sure it was very romantic" josh snapped. "Oh it was" Zack said. "You know Zack I always thought you were an asshole and sooner or later Hayley will see it and you'll be back to being a whore" Josh snapped. "Yeah well considering I'm the one in her bed every night I don't think that's going to happen" Zack said. "Please stop" I snapped. "Hayley this is a bad choice and you know it" Josh said. "It's not a bad choice it's what she wants" Zack snapped. "Hayley I've wistnissed Zack be on a date and flirt with another girl do you really want to be with someone like that" josh asked. "You did that" I asked. "Yes but that's not how it is with you Hayley" Zack said. "See he admitted to acting an ass" josh said. "You flirt with everyone on this boat" I said. "Yes I did and I acted stupid more times than I can count but I would never do anything to hurt you" Zack said. "Isn't that what they all say" Josh said. I looked at Zack. "You should go" I said. "Finally you understand" josh said. Zacks face fell.

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