Until Next Time

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I had been talking with Tom for over a week, from face-timing every night to texting early mornings. I woke up to my phone alarm. I turned over and checked the time, and it was 10 in the morning. 

I had so much fun on my trip here in California, but it was time to head back home. I woke up and headed to the bathroom and soon my phone buzzed. 

Good Morning Darling, hope you have an amazing day x 

I bit my lip thinking how over the time I been texting him, I didn't dare tell him I was leaving already. I tried my best no to tell him, but I knew I had to. 

Hopefully, we can meet up for some brunch x

That's when I thought it couldn't get worse, I took a deep breath and started the text I didn't want to send over the week. 

Hey Tom, I would like to meet for brunch, but I can't. I should have told you sooner, but I'm heading back to Georgia with Emma and Killian today. 

I locked my phone and headed to the bathroom to get ready for my plane ride. Emma walked in while I was packing away my final items from the bathroom into my carry on bag. 

"You ready to go?" Emma asked and I turned around and leaned against the sink and shook my head no. 

"I want to stay, but I know my family has something planned for my birthday and they want me there, but Tom wanted to meet up for brunch and I can't go. I'm stuck."

Emma smiled and shook her head, "you will see him again, you are just going back for your birthday and for the holidays and soon we can get back on a plane and come right back."

I turned around and looked into the mirror, "I know, plus the birthday and the holidays aren't the only reason why I'm going back. I have work and the modeling agency."

Emma smiled and hugged me and headed back to her room with Killian to start packing. I went back into my room and grabbed my bags and headed to the living room when I received a phone call. 

I looked at my phone and saw Tom's name appear. I put my bags down and headed back into the room. I sat on the bed and answered. 

"Hello," I said. 

"You're leaving I see darling."

I bit my lip and took a deep breath in and let it out, "yea, I'm going back for my birthday and the holidays plus work and modeling." 

"That's good, we will see each other again right?" He asked.

I smiled and said, "yes."

He giggled, "All alright, so may I see you one last time?"

"Yazmin let's go," Emma yelled from the living room and I yelled back I'm going.

"Yes, at the airport in 10 minutes," I said while hanging up the phone and running back to the living room to grab my bags. 

Killian helped bring Emma's suitcase and mine as we carried the carry ones. We headed downstairs where our uber was waiting and we headed to the airport. 

When we got there I looked around thinking Tom should be here. I looked one way then the other when I saw him staying with some flowers in hand. I smiled and walked over to him and hugged him. 

"I thought flowers were the good goodbye gift," he said as he handed them over and I smelled them.

"Thank you, they're beautiful."

"Yazmin we have to-," Emma was saying until she saw who I was with. 

"I'll not hold you for long, you have my number and you can text me whenever, until next time." 

I smiled and hugged him one final time, "Until next time."

I pulled away and walked with Emma to met up with Killian and headed to our plane. I looked back and Tom was waving goodbye. Until next time darling. 

Forever Yours, TomWhere stories live. Discover now