Wedding Day (Tom's POV)

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My alarm went off and I got up happily as ever. I was going to marry the woman of my dreams. I headed to the living room were all the groomsmen were sleeping and woke them up. I had 8 in total.

They all got up and started to get ready for the day. The photographer and videographer came along with my father. I started to get ready as they captured every moment. I got my black suit on as a Draco moment was coming.

"Man looking sharp," my father said and I laughed.

I walked to the living room and all the men cheered for my iconic moment. Everything was ready. I saw each of them had a different color vest and bow.

Killian and Carlos were green. Daniel and Victor were red. Jonathan and Jesus were blue. Lastly, Ashley and Chris were yellow. They all looked good and we were ready to rock this day.

My father than handed me a necklace he wore on his wedding day and I felt a deponer connection towards him. I hugged him and we headed out. As I was headed to my car I realized I forgot something important. My guitar. I went back inside and grabbed it before headed out once again.

My father drove me and the groomsmen to our event hall where we were going to have the church ceremony outside in the forest part and the party inside. I knew for sure my future wife was already there. Butterflies kicked in and I got nervous.

"Nervous son?," my father asked.

I nodded and he pat my back, "everything will be just fine. You two are meant for each other."

I smiled to that sentence and we finally reached our location. I noticed the party bus of the girls was here already. I got out of the car with my guitar with my groomsmen following behind.

"She here and you're ready for the first touch?" The party coordinator said.

I nodded and we headed inside upstairs to touch my future wife to shake the nervous off. I knocked on the door and they opened up slightly to hand me a blindfold.

My brother, Jonathan took it from my hands and blindfolded me before walking into the room. Inside my future wife was waiting with her blindfold on. They directly us to each other and I felt her hand. I grabbed her hands and kissed each one of them. I knew she was smiling.

"I have a song for you before we head out to shake your nerves off," I said.

They handed me my guitar and placed his back to back so I can take my blind fold off to see my guitar.

I started to play her favorite song that I composed. We belong. But without her knowing I changed the lyrics and I heard her squeal and give out a cry. She was still blindfold and was able to touch me and I wasn't seeing her. The photographer and videographer capture the special moment between us and the whole court.

After the song was over I covered my eyes once more and hugged my future wife.

"I'll see you shortly darling," I said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

I took my blindfold off getting out the door and walked downstairs and the moment was about to start. The nerves were gone and I was ready to see her.

Forever Yours, TomWhere stories live. Discover now