2 Years Later

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"I want a relationship like yours and Tom's," Emma said.

Emma and Killian were going to get married and I was eating brunch with her.

"You relationship is good Emma. Killian loves you more than anything," I said.

"You're right," Emma said as she laughed.

We kept eating brunch as soon as the boys came and met up with us. Killian kissed Emma and sat next to her stealing a French fry. Tom sat next to me and kissed me and stole a sip from my drink.

"So you found the perfect dress?" Killian asked.

Emma nodded, "yes! It's perfect!"

"Let me see it," Killian said as he slow took Emma's phone.

I grabbed Emma's phone, "no you can't see it! It's bad luck."

Tom laughed and so did Emma. Killian pouted but Emma kissed him.

"When are you two going to get married," Killian asked.

I spit my drink out. I always wanted to get married, but I was shocked that my ex-boyfriend had asked my boyfriend.

"Time will say," Tom said as he grabbed a napkin and handed it to me.

Brunch was fun and we all left for the day to spend with our love partner. Tom and I walked around the park. It was my way for relaxing.

"Do you think we will end up together?" Tom asked.

I turned my head and looked at him, "I think we will but like you said only time will say."

Tom smiled and kissed my forehead as we walked a bit more before heading home.

Once we headed home Tom went to the room. I stayed in the living room with my family for a bit before headed to my room.

Tom was packing up. I was confused why he was packing.

"You're leaving?"

Tom looked over his shoulder, "yea I have to go."

I looked down thinking I probably said something wrong earlier.

"Is it something I said or did?"

Tom stopped for a bit and turned around and closed the door and pulled me towards the bed.

"Of course not darling. Just that I have to go to an interview in California and I have to see Willow too."

Willow was not with us, but in California and I know for sure Tom misses her. I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for understanding darling," Tom said as he kissed my lips and headed out.

I followed him out and my family said their goodbyes. I walked outside with him and he got in the car. He pulled his window down and leaned up and I leaned down to kiss him.

"Please call me once you arrive," I said.

"Always darling," he said.

I was hoping he will be here for the wedding. Tom was my partner and he had to go for who knows how long. I watched at he drove off and I headed back inside.

I went to my room and fell asleep until he called.

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