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A/N: *this part is my reality experience that I wanted to share. I had an emergency surgery for my appendix.*

I woke up after a while and see all type of people around me. One flashed a light into my eyes and I quickly responded.

"Okay no injury to the brain," he said, "Ma'am do you know where you are or why you passed out?"

"I have a stomach pain which I took medication for," I said.

"Any chance you can be pregnant?" A lady asked and I shook my head no.

They talk to each other and ordered labs. My stomach was feeling much worse. Time started to pass and I had no idea where Tom was.

Tom was outside in the waiting room with his mother and my parents. They waited anxious.

"Okay ma'am we are going to have to prepare you for a emergency surgery," he said.

I sat up and held my stomach as I felt the pain grow after all the labs and scans.

"Your appendix shows very inflamed and about to burst. You need this surgery."

I was shocked and scared. They started to prepare me and I felt tears running down. One lady who was helping me comfort me.

"Your family is in the waiting room. The doctor will inform them and once you're out of surgery they will be in a room waiting for you."

I shock my head okay and they rolled me out of the room and down to the surgery rooms. My heartbeat was fast than before. I just wish Tom was here by my side.

The doctor was still with my family telling them about my surgery. Tom was disbelief. My mother felt like it was her fault as we knew I had always suffered from stomach pains in the past.

The doctor shortly came into the OR and the anesthesiologist placed an IV and a mask on me to fall asleep. The surgery took a while. 

Tom was in the room pacing front and back from wall to wall. His mother told him to calm down. My mother and father were praying that my surgery went well. Tom was afraid of me not coming back to him that caused him to cry. His mother comfort him by hugging him.

Shortly the doctor walked in the room and explain to my family that surgery went well and that they were waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. 

Tom felt a relief and everyone hugged. I on the other hand was in the recovery room slowly waking up. A nurse asked me for my name and date of birth. I responded and they handed me some ice to chew on. The anesthesia was wearing off and they rolled me into the room where everyone was at.

"Omg," Tom said as the door opened and I was rolled in, "you're here you're okay."

I nodded and smiled, "I'm okay."

They placed me on antibiotics and fluids since I can't eat anything for a while. My parents hugged me and kissed my forehead. Tom's mother smiled and held my hand. Tom smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. I felt better having them there.

"Okay, I'll be back in a hour to check up on you okay? Or if you need anything you have my call button."

I nodded and smiled. The nurse walked out and I was felt with my family. I felt sleepy and very drugged. It was hard to maintain a conversation since I just wanted to close my eyes. My legs were getting squeezed every now and then to avoid blood clots. Everything was scary but I was finally okay.

After a few hours my parents and Tom's mother left leaving only Tom to take care of me besides the nurses.

"You had me scared," Tom said.

"I'm sorry."

Tom held my hand and shortly I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Tom rubbed his thumb on my hand.

"Go to sleep baby, I'm right here with you," Tom said.

As Tom said that I drift to sleep. The pain was gone and a recovery was going to be painful but I know I'll get through it.

*Three Days Later*

"Okay you will be discharged and here's your medication list and follow up appointment," the nurse said.

I nodded and I got up with the help of the nurse and Tom. The pain was still there but it was different. My shoulder was hurting, my stomach felt like it was inside out, and my legs were weak.

We left the room and into the parking lot. Tom rolled me out and my parents were there waiting for me. I couldn't bend and it hurt. Tom gave my stuff to my mother and helped me get in the car. I cried as the pain was there to move around.

Everything went okay and we headed home. The nightmare was about to start. For over the week the pain was good as my medications were working. Tom helped me walk around and get back in bed. Being on a liquid diet was the worse.

"Baby it's your last pill," Tom said as he handed me my last pill with a water bottle.

I was scared how the days were going to be if the pain was too strong. My shoulder pain was gone but my stomach wasn't.

A few days later going to the bathroom was the worst. Bending down or walking was a pain in the butt. My oxygen levels were low at the hospital and were still not up to it's full. Tom helped me in every way he could.

Tom helped me get into bed and I broke down crying. Tom kneeled and held my hand.

"Hey what's wrong?"

I looked at Tom and cried more, "I'm not fitted for you. I'm sick and you should be out and about and you're stuck here taking care of me."

Tom got up and walked around to the other side of the bed and laid with me.

"Once we are married that's what our lives are going to be like. Through sickness and healthy baby."

I smiled and wiped my tears away, "you're right and I guess I'm lucky to have you."

"I'm the luckiest man to have you my darling," Tom said as he planted a kiss on my lip and we both fell asleep holding hands.

Forever Yours, TomWhere stories live. Discover now