Mystery Person

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"Hello baby girl," he said.

He was back. I didn't think he was alive. All the memories rushed back and I started to feel faintish. Emma noticed and grabbed me before I passed out.

A few minutes passed and I woke up. I was thinking it was just a bad dream, but then I saw him again.

"There you did your damage. What do you want from her?" Emma asked as she helped me up.

"I'm here to gain the love of my true love again," he said.

"That's not going to happen Daniel," I said, "I'm married and I'm happy with my life."

He laughed and walked towards Emma and I, "don't lie to yourself."

I pushed Emma behind me and slapped him, "I'm not the girl you abused and manipulative before. I'm a woman now who knows her place and how to defend herself."

Shortly Tom walked in with Killian. Killian knew who was in the room and walked immediately towards Emma and I.

"You have nothing to do here Dan," Killian said.

"Who is he?" Tom asked.

Daniel noticed who I married and laughed, "you married your sugar daddy?"

I ran towards Tom and stood in front of him, "he not my sugar daddy. He's Ku husband."

"You're like 8 years younger than him. Come back with me baby girl," he said.

Tom walked in front of me and protected me, "I don't know who the hell you are. And mostly certainly I don't care. Leave before I call the police on you."

Daniel smirked and bowed, "I'll do."

Daniel then walked out of the room and I looked at Emma and Killian. I hidden this secret and now it has to come out.

"Who was that?" Tom asked.

I bite my lip and looked at Emma and nodded. She walked towards us while holding her hands together to think of what she was going to say.

"That was Daniel. You're wife's ex-boyfriend."

Tom turned around and faced me and I looked down. I didn't wanted him to see how this all was affecting me.

"He abused her mentally, physically and sexually. He was a bad person and we thought we got rid of him."

"Is this all true darling?" Tom said as he placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face and tears rolled down.

"Yes. I didn't wanted to tell you because I was scared of what you would think. A young stupid girl who let herself have that type of relationship."

Tears rolled down even more and Tom pulled me in a hug, "no matter what. Your past is your past and we are going to the future together. I love you."

Tom kissed my forehead and I slightly smiled as I breath in his cologne. Tom made me feel safe and I know I choose the correct man this time in my life.

"Why were you up here tho?" Tom asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"I came with Emma to help me change into a dress I had bought."

Tom smiled and nodded, "okay than. I guess Killian and I will wait outside the door to escort you both to the party."

I smiled as they walked out of the room. I closed the door and Emma had her arms wide up for me. I ran towards her and cried. My past will always come back now knowing Daniel was back.

After cleaning myself up I got dressed into my green mermaid dress I had found.

Emma looked at me and smiled, "you are going to leave him speechless

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Emma looked at me and smiled, "you are going to leave him speechless."

I smiled and we walked out and the boys were waiting. Tom looked at me up and down and was speechless. Emma slipped through between us to stand next to Killian.

"See you two downstairs," Killian said.

We smiled and Tom kissed my check, "you look beautiful my wife."

I blushed and we walked downstairs to the party. We danced all night and enjoyed the moments. But I was still thinking about Daniel and the real reason why he is back. I wanted to know.

"Let's have the bride and groom come to their table to do the final toast."

Tom grabbed my hand and we walked to our table. Tom gave his speech and I looked around at everyone. I spotted their Daniel. His smirk planted on his face. Suddenly I saw Daniel take a gun out and point it towards Tom.

"Toast to new beginnings-," Tom said and I jumped in front of him as the gun was fired.

Tom saw my eyes with fear as my body collided to his and he brought me down to the floor with his arms around me.

"No stay with me baby. Someone call and ambulance!" Tom yelled.

My mother and father ran towards us and held the gun wound with the table cloth. The bullet went through my left side in the middle of my shoulder blades collapsing my lung to breath.

Suddenly everything went dark and I was able to hear the last words.

"Stay with me."

Forever Yours, TomWhere stories live. Discover now