Chapter 22: The Power Plant

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Author's Note: Don't Worry, I'm not dead. It's just that this chapter was tedious to write and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fever got to me (again). So, as an apology, I have a extra long chapter.

"So, that's the plan."

"Basically you plan on using those three as deathfodder."



Clemont P.O.V.

The last few days have been strange. After Ash asked Serena out on a date, I have been feeling left behind. Despite the last few days of travle being through harsh badlands, the two have trained with all they had. Especially Ash, as now I began to question myself as whether I would be a worthy gym leader for him to face. And Serena's performance practising have been top-notch. I felt left behind and in despair.

"What's that?" Ash said, pointing at a large building in the distance.
"That's the Kalos Power Plant," I said, snapping out of my thoughts
"The power plant?" Ash asked me.
"It generates electricity for the bulk of Kalos," I replied. "It uses solar energy from the sun to provide us with electricity."
"Awesome!" Ash said. "Even though I have no idea what that means."
"Ash as always," Serena said, giving a light giggle. "But, I say, Clemont, I thought that solar energy provides very little energy. How does this one singular power plant provide this much energy?"

"Normally it wouldn't," I said. "But in the particular location the plant is built, the energy uptake is gigantic. Around 20 times as high as a regular solar panel."
This caused Serena to lift her eyes in disbelief while Ash was still clueless as always.
"But why?" Serena said.
"That has been puzzling scientists for decades," Clemont said. "No one has managed to figure out why the energy uptake is higher here. Many have investigated but to no avail. So, people have decided to just make the most out of it."

"Makes sense," Serena said.
"Hey, why don't we go there ourselves," Ash suggested, much to my jubilation.
"Yes, please," I said, starry-eyed, my sadness going away at once. If there was one thing I liked more than battling, it was science.

We made our way to the plant. It was truly an architectural piece to behold. It was massive in size, half as tall as the Prism Tower and far wider. It seemed to glow beautifully in the morning light, drawing all 4 to gaze at the building in amazement, unable to avert their eyes.

"Wow, it's beautiful," said Bonnie, which was surprising as the young 9 year old was scornful of his brother's science whims and failed inventions.
"Yeah, we'll walk up," Clemont said.

However, as they were coming closer, the solar panels turned directions. Instead of facing upwards towards the sun, it pointed downwards. 
"That's odd," Ash said. "I thought you said they need sunlight ."
"They do," I said, looking at the strange panels.

Suddenly, Pikachu and Dedenne came forward and Luxio jumped out of his pokeball.
"What's up?" Ash said, surprised.
To everyone's shock, the three pokemon's eyes started glowing red. Pikachu fired off a powerful Thunderbolt towards the four. Almost as if by instinct, Serena's Eevee jumped out of its pokeball and intercepted the powerful attack with an equally powerful Swift.

Pikachu then turned and ran into the building through the gates which were surprisingly open, Dedenne and Luxio on its heels.
"Pikachu, come back!" Ash shouted, running after it with Bonnie following him
"Ash, wait!" Serena said after him, holding his tightly to prevent him from getting away.
"But Pikachu-"
"We'll get him back," Clemont said, turning to Bonnie who was at the verge of tears. "There should be a vent in there somewhere with which we can get in."

Pokemon: Remnants of a Forgotten pastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora