Chapter 7: Kalos! Where Dreams and Adventures begin Part 1

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Ash P.O.V.

The plane landed as I looked out into the airport of the largest city in the world. Apparently, Lumiose City has 3 different airports, thats how large it is.
"Pikachu, we're here," I told my buddy as got up from my seat. I opened my airplane door and stepped out.
"Kalos Region! Ash from Pallet Town is here!" I shouted. I started walking but I forgot i was on the plane stairs and you can probably expect what happened. I fell down the stairs and landed face first on the ground.

"Looks like someone has not changed," a female voice came.

I looked up and saw Alexa smiling, trying her best to stifle a giggle but in vain. 
"Hi, Alexa," I called out as i got up and brushed the dust of my trousers. 
"I came here to meet you," Alexa said. "Unfortunately, my sister is out for 2 days. So you won't be able to challenge her."

"She's out! Oh, come on!" I exclaimed impatiently.
"Well, there is a gym right here in Lumiose City," Alexa said. "You may challenge that if you like."
"There's a gym here, where is it?"
"Right in the middle of the city."
"Bye Alexa! I am going to challenge the gym."
"Ash is still Ash. Can't wait for a gym battle."

I rushed down to the centre of the city as aI saw a gigantic tower in front of me. My word, its beauty was just as extraordinary as its size. I rushed towards it and entered it. I walked upto the lift and it took me to the topmost floor. I was in front of a door with a screen on top of it.

"Welcome challenger, how many badges do you have?" the screen asked.
"This is my first gym. And I wish to get my first badge here," I said, determinedly.
"No badges? I'm sorry but you need to have at least 4 badges before you can challenge this gym. Goodbye!"
"Hey wait a minute, why can I not-" I went ahead towards the gym but suddenly the floor beneath me gave away and I fell down. 

"Another challenger went in there," someone said. "Clembot is a pain to deal with."
"Come on Bonnie, we need to catch him."
The boy came and a stretchy arm came out of his bag and grabbed me by the arms. The younger girl next to him grabbed Pikachu.
"What happened?" I asked, feeling rather dazed.
"I grabbed you," the boy said. "Come on let's go to the park and i wil explain."
"Alright," I said, still a bit confused. 

"MY name is Clemont and this is my sister Bonnie," the boy said. "Who are you?"
"I'm Ash Kechum from Pallet Town and this is my partner Pikachu," I said in reply. "But, I say, what's up with that gym leader?"
"You need 4 badges to challenge him and if you don't have you get kicked out," Clemont said. "He's a strange one."
"Oh, I guess I will challenge him when I have 4 myself." I said. "But for now, what do i do? I am from pallet town and I have nowhere to go."
"You could go to Professor Sycamore's lab" Clemont commented.
"Professor Sycamore's lab? Where is it?"
"Come this way I'll show you," Clemont said.


"I'm sorry about Froakie," a young man in a lab-suit was saying. "I'm sorry about any problems he might have caused you."
"It's alright," a boy in front of him was saying. "Chespin will do just fine. In you go Chespin."
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience," the man said as he went into the building.
"That's professor Sycamore," Clemont said, pointing towards the man. "In we go."

"Ah, Clemont, nice to meet you," Sycamore greeted. "And you're growing too little Bonnie."
Bonnie smiled.
"And who are you young man," Sycamore asked me. "My name is Ash Kechum. And I'm from pallet Town. This is my partner Pikachu."
"Oh, Ash. Professor Oak informed me about you earlier today."
"He did?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes. He told me you were coming. That's why I have this for you."
Professor Sycamore handed me a pokedex.
"This pokedex contains all the data for Kalos pokemon," Sycamore told me. "I think you should find it useful."
"Oh, thanks professor," I said.

We got up from the sitting room and I followed the professor. I had a question in my mind.
"Professor?" I asked.
"Yes, Ash. What is it?"
"Outside you were apologising about Froakie. May I ask what happened?"
"Oh, you see. Froakie is an interesting case. he never listens to his trainers." Sycamore began. "Whenever any trainer came he would not listen to it. So, everyone is forced to return him back to the lab."
"Oh, I see," I said, feeling sad for trainers who picked Froakie. I was also sad for Froakie itself as I knew Pokemon had reasons for not listening to their trainers for that. "Can I see him?"
"Of course," Sycamore told me. "Right this way."

Professor Sycamore led me to a room where I saw Froakie talking to a garchomp who had a band around its neck. Froakie did not look too happy but I could tell they were close friends. "Hello, Froakie, Garchomp," Sycamore hailed. The two pokemon looked up and seemed happy.
"Professor, what is that band around Garchomp's neck?" I asked, curious about what that was.


"So then, Giovanni told us to gather details about Sycamore' research right?" James said.
"Yes, let's go," Jessie said. "No time to waste."


"Ah," said professor Sycamore, pleased. "This band is part of my research."
"How so?" I asked, curiously.
"Would you believe me if i told you that Garchomp can evolve again?" 
"No, it can't. Garchomp is a fully-evolved Pokemon, right?"
"It is but, throughout Kalos in the last few years, many pokemon have been known to evolve furthur. And what's more amazing that this transformation is temporary."
"Wow, so they evolve temporarily," I said, amazed. "But why?"
"That is the purpose of my research, Ash," Sycamore said. "Garchomp is one of the pokemon who is known to mega evolve and so I am trying to replicate that and investigate its details."
"Wow, awesome." I said, turning to Froakie. "So, hello there Froakie!"


Author's note: Alright, I am not to proud of this episode or the next as it is mainly just a retelling of XY 001 and 002. So, you can expect less from them. But trust me, chapter 9 and 10 are gonna be a blast.

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