Chapter 18: Serena's Showcase Debut

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Author's Note: Alright, this chapter was hard to write but it was no less imporatnt to the development of a few characters, which you will see shortly. This one was long but I also had a lot of fun writing and in the end, that's what matters.


Serena P.O.V.

"You are in batch 3, Miss Serena," the clerk said, giving Serena a pass.
"Oh, thank you!" Serena said.
"All participants have 2 hours to practice before the perliminaries," the clerk said. "Best of luck for the competition."

"So, how'd it go?" Ash asked, seeing me come from the reception. 
"I'm in batch 3," I said, excited for today's showcase.
"You'll do great," Bonnie said.
"Thanks!" I said, looking at Bonnie approvingly.

"So when does it start?" Ash asked.
"Around 1:30," I replied.
"So, what now," Ashh asked me.
"We were given time to practise and that's just what we'll do, right, Eevee? Fennekin?"

All of us, even Calem had come to see this showcase. While I certainly tried to think that the name I heard from the receptionist yesterday was just a mere coincedence. It was true she had not seen the person in question yet, but knowing her, she would probably stay away from everyone.

"Alright, Eevee," I said, turning to the excited normal type. "Use Swift."
"Fennekin, use Fire Spin on the stars," I said.

Calem P.O.V.
I was looking at the performance, allegedly a bit bored since showcases have never really been to my or my pokemon's interests. I quietly began to move away from Serena and the others walking along the field aimlessly. The giant field extended itself from a forest. Without hesitation I walked towards there, again reminiscing of my mother.

The area near the forest was left vacant, as many performers decided to perform next to the main building rather than the forest. I went in into the forest, letting Charizard out as he too wanted a walk. 

A voice suddenly scared me out of my skin
"Absol, use Psycho Cut!"
"Roselia, use Razor leaf!"
:Espeon, use Psychic!"

The three moves collided together to create a show which was nothing less than a treat to my eyes. If you told me this was the work of former Kalos Queen Palermo, I would've believed you. Charizard too was startled out of his skin.

"Awesome job, guys," the female voice said. "I don't know what I would do without you."

I followed the trail of the voice to a clearing in the forest where I saw three pokemon, a Roselia, an Espeon and an Absol all together near a girl, who seemed to be of Serena's age.

She had dark eyes but that was all about her which could be described. She wore a very dark jacket and grey trousers which hid the entirety of her body, even her hands. He made as to come near, but was suddenly stopped by an action from the Absol.

"Grrrrr," Absol said, growling.
"Is someone there," the girl said, taken aback but the way she said it was cold. "How dare you spy on me!"

Calem was fixed like a rock, not wanting to show himself to this girl, whoever she was.
"Looks like you will not oblige kindly," she said. "Absol, Psycho Cut!"

Absol launched a powerful psychic blade and shot it towards the tree where I was hiding. Almost instinctively, Charizard responded with a powerful Flamethrower which burnt down the psycho cut.

The girl saw the hulking figure of Charizard come out into the clearing.
"Sorry, Mr. Charizard," she said, grinning sheepishly. "I didn't know it was you who was there. I thought it might have been some creep following me. Well, it was nice to meet you."

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