Chapter 17: The Pledging Tree

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Holy goodness gracious guys! 3000 views! It increased by 2700 in just 2 weeks. I truly grateful to any and all of you who have dedicated their time to read this book. Here we have chapter 17.


The next day
"So we have to gift something to our pokemon today?" Clemont asked.
"Yes," I said. "Ramos told me. Today is a special occasion."
"Yes, I know that," Calem said. "Today we will have to do something special for them."

"I know," Clemont said. "I want to invnet something special for Luxio and the others."
"I guess we will have to buy gifts for our pokemon," Serena said. 
"Yes," Clemont said. "You, Ash and Calem go. Bonnie will take care of the pokemon."

"I will need to stay here," Calem said, off-handedly. "I will need to tend to the yard today."
"Oh," Clemont said. "Ok, so it's just Ash and Serena. Good luck you two."

It's a good thing nobody noticed Calem and Bonnie sharing a wink at eachother when they heard Ash and Serena were to go alone, even withhout their pokemon.
"Wow, the plan is workking," Bonnie thought.

Serena P.O.V.
"Well, we'll be off," I said. "Bye, everyone. Make sure not to explode things Clemont."
Me and Ash went off on our own to the city market to buy gifts for our pokemon. 

"Wait," I thought to myself while on the streets. "Me and Ash are all alone, even without our pokemon. Isn't it kind of like a date!!!!!" I turned to look at Ash. "But this boy is too dense to realise. Aah! Why is he so dense? Anyone would think he ignores me on purpose."
I blushed deep shade of red, which Ash obviously did not notice.

"Hey, what's that?" Ash asked.
"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts.
In front of us was a lage hall-like building, similar to what I've seen in contests in Hoenn. 

"This poster has more info on this," I said, noticing a poster some 2 feet away. A walked towards it, Ash following me. "The Coumarine City Showcase will be starting tomorrow. Registrations Open today."

"A Pokemon Showcase?" I said. "What is it like?"
"No clue," Ash answered. "Oh, wait, there are some rules below."
"Pokemon Showcases are where you bring out the beauty of your pokemon. It has two stages, a special stage where random challenges are sent to the competitors and the second stage is where you perform with your pokemon," Ash read out.

"Sounds similar to contests," I said, "minus the battle part."
"Yeah, more or less," Ash said. 
"I think I might try it out," I said, determined.
"And you'll be amazing."
"Thanks," I said, looking approvingly at Ash. Despite Ash being dense as anything, he knows how to make supportive comments. "Let's go in and register now."

The two of us went in and went in to register.
"Hello," I said. "I would like to register for the Coumarine City showcase tomorrow."
"Ok," the clerk answered. "Your name please?"
"Serena Yvonne."
"Wait!" she exclaimed. "Serena Yvonne! Aren't you the winner of the Hoenn Grand Festival!"
"I am such a hugefan of yours," she said. "And I know you will win tomorrow."
"Thanks, I will try to win tomorrow."

SHe turned over to Ash.
"That's your boyfriend?" she asked.
"NO!" both of us exclaimed, going flustered. "She's just my childhood friend." Ash said.
"Is that so?" she said, slyly. "Either way, I have both of you registered."

"Do you know anyone who is participating here who also participates in contests?"
"Wait a minute," she said. "Oh yeah, girl named Marva. You know her?"

That was probably the last name I wanted to hear so I hurriedly decided to drag the conversation away from there.
"Thanks," I said. "Come on Ash."
"Coming," he said.
"Wow," the clerk said. "Those two make one pretty pair."

"So, Serena," Ash asked. "Are you excited for your showcase tomorrow?"
"Yes, I am," I replied. "Wow, we made a good distance just by talking. So, I think we should split up and get our gifts."
"Yeah," he replied, "it has to be a surprise. Well, see you Serena. Let's regroup here at dusk."

The two of us seperated. "Well, it was nice talking to him," I thought. "Ash just has this effect on me, always making me feel better somehow. And happy too. Even if we are just friends right now, boy, am I glad for that. But is she here. No no no. That's the last thing I want. I don't want to tell anything to Ash. He'll hate me."
I took a deep breath. "Well, I can just hope it's a coincidence."

Ash P.O.V.
I split up from Serena, "Now, what do I buy for my pokemon?" I was thinking. "Well, I guess I need to search the markets for anything suitable." 
I walked past shop after shop, not finding anything my hard-working pokemon would deserve. "What do I buy for them? Serena probably would have bought a shop and a half for her pokemon already?" I said, noticing the sky turn dark. "I'll need to go back and meet her."

In 10 minutes I met up at the rendezvous point. Serena was already there, waiting for me.
"Hey, Ash," she hailed me, having seen me in the distance. "Found anything?"
"Nope," I said. Looking at Serena, I could see that there were 3 bags in her hands. "I presume you already found gifts."
"Yes, I did."

"Man, I don't know what to buy for Pikachu and the others," I said, scratching my head.
I entered into the train's platform, only to get showered by few confetti. "What!"
"Congradulations!" a porter appeared. "You are our 9999th passenger, for this you get a special gift." He gave me a small box, containing a ribbon.
"Thanks!" I said. "COme on Serena"

On the train
"I still don't know what to give Pikachu and the others." I said, groaning.
"Well, I'd thought that you would have had the easiest time to choose a gift," she said.
"Well," she began. "All your pokemon are exactly like you. So, they would like something you like."

I stared at Serena in the utmost amazement. "That's it!" I exclaimed. "Serena! You're a genius!"
I rushed away from the station. "YOu tell the others I will be back later."

Serena was left dumbfounded by the sudden departure. "He never changes," she said. "And that's just the way I like him."

With Ash
"I need to give her something too," I said.

Later that night
"The Pledging Tree is to be lighted." Ramos said. "Ten!"
"Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" went the crowd.

"And now, everyone open your gifts and see what is there," Ramos told everyone.
We all opened everyone's gifts and showed it our pokemon. Serena got her pokemon some special accesories, Clemont gave his pokemon a cute little music box and Bonnie drew a picture of all of them.

As for me, I took Serena's advice. I went into the forest and got some berries for all of my pokemon. Serena's advice works like magic everytime. They love it. 

I approached her. "Hey, Serena?" I asked.
"What is it?" she said.
"Thank you for helping me gift my pokemon. Without you, I would have never thought of it."
"Well, you would've thought of it eventually," she said. "No need to thank me."
"Well, Serena," I said. "I'll see you with your first princess key tomorrow."
"You can count on that," she said.

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