Chapter 21: Goodbye, Coumarine!

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Serena P.O.V.

I was quite legitimately shocked about the string of words Ash had just uttered. Just 5 minutes ago I was in despair that i had lost him forever. Now, it was rather the opposite. While one side of me was still recovering from what he just said, another side of me was squealing inside with joy!

While on the other end, Ash was becoming more and more nervous as the silence continued. He felt he shouldn't have asked that. What he was fearing was coming true. He put his head down and was about to turn back.

Serena finally came to her senses and realised what was going on. She felt like jumping into the air in joy. "Y-yes, Ash. I will."

Ash turned back at the blushing honey-blonde girl. It seemed to be the first time he noticed the blush but inside he was growing happier by the second.
"Y-you will?"
"Yes, Ash," the blushing honey-blonde said. "There's nothing I would like more. This is the happiest day of my life."
"You mean, you wanted go out as well," Ash said, slowly.
"I did. You have no idea how long I wished for this day," I said, cheerfully.

Ash was also very happy when he suddenly remembered something. The "obstacle" between him and Serena.
"But like, won't Calem be mad?" he asked me.
"Why would he be?" I replied, surprised.
"He has a crush on you and has been flirting with you like crazy," he said.

This statement cause me to laugh out loud.
"Why are you laughing?" he said, confused.
"You got it all misunderstood," Serena said, keeping up the giggle.
"You dense headed boy," Serena said, recovering from the giggle. "Calem never had a crush on me. The only thing he tried to do was to make you jealous so you would be incensed, I suppose."

"Wait, what," he said, confused.
"Yes, he did."
"Well, at least I am not the only dense-head here," Ash said.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Serena, confused.

"Hey, Ash, Serena," said Clemont, entering the room. "Lunch is ready."
Both teens turned red at seeing Clemont enter there. Clemont noticed this and became nervous.
"Am I interrupting something?"

"Do we tell them?" asked Serena.
"They all know about my crush," Ash admitted.
"Of course they do," replied Serena.

"Clemont what's happening," Bonnie called as she came up the stairs into the room where Serena and I were alone. She came up and saw me and Ash standing too close to eachother.
"No way! It's happening!" Bonnie exclaimed. "The ship has set sail! MY OTP has come true"
"What are you talking about Bonnie?" Clemont said, confused.
"Big brother I need to find a keeper for you now too," Bonnie said.
"Your food is running cold," Calem's voice came from downstairs.


At the end of lunch
"So who asked," said Bonnie, looking at Ash and me slyly
"What do you mean?" asked Ash.
"Who confessed," said Bonnie, with a smirk on her face.
"Uhhh, Ash did," I said, turning a bright shade of red.
"Finally, neither of you are dense anymore," said Bonnie. "Calem your planned worked great."

"What plan?" Ash said, resulting in facepalms from the two plotters.
"Calem flirted with Serena just to make you jealous," Bonnie squealed. "And it worked."
"Why didn't he just tell me!" said Ash. "I wouldn't be so mean to him then."
Everyone at the table except Clemont face-palmed at the statement.

We got up from the table, all 5 of us. Ash and I took a walk in the backyard, I honestly don't know why. Instincts, I guess.

"So do we tell everyone else?" I asked. "We would have to at some time."
"Yeah..." Ash said. "Well, everyone back at Pallet town almost pushed me to ask you out. So, i don't think it should be a problem."
"Who did you tell?" I asked.
"Not really my fault you know," Ash said in defence, now turning to Pikachu. "This guy kept shocking me till I admitted."
"Thanks, Pikachu!" I said, giving the little electric type a shock.

"Well, it's a good thing others are supportive of us," I said
"Imagine if there was a fanbase containing millions of people whose only wish is for us to get together and makes AMVs and fanfics until that happens," said Ash.
"Yeah, imagine," I said.

Something came into my mind as I was walking alongside my once crush, now possible future boyfriend.
"So, when do we go on the date anyways," I said.
Ash seemed to think for a bit then he brightened up suddenly.
"Right after you win your first princess key," was his answer.
"Oh, it's on!" I said, fired up. "There's no way I am losing now!"
"And I will be cheering on you all the way."

It was amazing the effect Ash had on me. I was feeling so depressed and disappointed after the disastrous showcase yesterday. Now, I feel hyped and determined to win my next showcase no matter what. I took a minute to look at the boy. Just what was he. Ash Kechum was a careless,, reckless and stupid idiot. Why did I crush on him so badly, then? Despite everything I said before, he is selfless, kind, friendly and just a welcome presence to everybody.

"We're ready, you two," Clemont said.
"We're leaving, you lovebirds," Bonnie called out, causing me to blush.
"COming," Ash said.

"It was nice having you here this week," said Calem. "Come visit again."
"Thanks for letting us stay here," said Clemont.
"Commander Calem! Private Bonnie out on guarding duty!"
"Guarding Duty?" exclaimed everyone.
"I need to make sure these two stay together. And next time, I will fine a keeper for you too!"

The statement caused me, Ash and Calem to go bright red.
"Good luck with your gym badges Ash," said Calem.
"Don't worry! I will make it to the Kalos League," said Ash. "Don't lose to anyone else. I want to see you lose to me."
"I appreciate that, but you are the one losing to me," Calem said.

"Bye, Calem," we all shouted, as we vstarted leaving the house on the streets of Coumarine. Calem was silently waving on the steps leading to his house.

We were walking along, Ash next to me, Bonnie leading in front and Clemont lagging behind. Suddenly, as if by automation, my hand went towards Ash's. I blushed a deep shade of red and went nervous. But the redness of my face was a heightened when Ash held my hand back. I looked at him and found he was blushing as well. It felt absolutely amazing.
Something told me that this journey is going to get better and better.


Region: Unova
Location: Dephts of the Relic Castle

Archer P.O.V.
"The Unovan Expedition was harsh and long. Being the only region we didn't have any associates with was a hindrance. But we made it. After defeating the monstrous Volcarona guarding the passage, we were here. Right in front of us was another great rock with now the familiar shade of purple which radiated hundreds of meters outwards. The 3rd meteor fragment was here. With 3 to go, we were one step closer to our dream."

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