Pokemon, I choose you

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The world of pokemon is huge and vast, and everyday many people do several things with their pokemon all over the world; a world where humans and pokemon live in harmony and help each other grow. This goes true in the town of Pallet, where several young children are about to start their Pokemon journeys. Among them, is a young 10-yr old girl, who goes by the name of Serena Yvonne.

Serena P.O.V.
"Bye mum," I said.
"I bet you can't wait to see who your first pokemon will be," said my mum, Grace.
"Of course mum, but I need to hurry," I said.  "Prof. Oak told us to be there 8 A.M sharp."
"Alright, I won't hold you here any longer," said Grace. "Bye dear! Don't forget to call me from time to time."
"Bye mum!"

Grace looked on at me from the house.
"They grow up so fast," she said. "It almost feels like yesterday when she was too shy to even talk with children until that summer camp. Now she's going on a journey by herself and her best friend. I know she will be fine but as a mother, I can't help but worry."

Serena was a bright and cheerful 10 year old honey-blonde girl whose hair reached down to her waist. She had a grey top and red skirts, long stocking and black shoes. She was walking along her way when the huge Professor Oak lab was in front of her. She was about to enter when a voice hailed her from behind.

"Yo, Sere!" said Gary
I groaned with exasperation at that voice and that nickname, the ones my best friend thought it would be a good idea to make.
"Just stop calling me that!"
"You think I would at that," he said. "The great Gary Oak does not listen to the likes of you."
"Sure," I said. "Good to see that your ego and stupidity are as big as Mount Coronet."
"Whatever," said Gary. "Where is Ash by any chance? Fallen asleep again, I suppose."
"I suppose you're right," I said, looking at the time. "Oh no, its 07.55. Where on earth is he"
"The likes of trash like him of course isn't here yet," said Gary. He doesn't deserve a pokemon anyway. I am deserving enough to take all 3 of them."
"Yeah, yeah whatever," I said, tried of the mahogany-haired boy's ego. "Is Ash oversleeping AGAIN!" I thought, rushing out of the lab.

Ash was my best friend. He was an interesting boy to say the least. He was very selfless, kind and friendly. But on the other hand he is so very careless and reckless and forgetful. He literally overslept on the day he was waiting for, for so long. Even I put off my first pokemon by 3 months just so we could start together. While running, I eventually reached his house and knocked on the door.

The door was unlocked by a middle aged woman with brown hair. It was Delia, Ash's mum.
"Oh, good to see you, Ser-," she began.
"Good morning, Mrs. Kechum. In a hurry, got to wake up Ash!" I said while rushing up upstairs towards Ash's room.
"Wow! children nowadays can be a handful," said Delia. "He didn't wake up when I tried. Now I wonder how he will face the brunt of Serena."

I opened the door and shouted out. "YOU NEED TO HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR OVERSLEEPING KECHUM!"
Ash fell out of his bed in shock at the sudden outburst.
"What happened," the raven-haired boy said, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

After saying that, Ash himself rushed out of his room, forgetting to change out of his pajamas. He ran down and outside. I almost started helplessly laughing but controlled it as I ran after him.

"Why do I have to wake you up always," I said, giving him a friendly punch as I cause up to him.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," said Ash. "I know how long you have been waiting for this day, longer than me actually. This was mean of me."
"It's fine," said Serena. "Now let's stop gabbling and hurry."
"Roger that." said Ash, both of them accelerating their pace towards Oak's lab

"We made it," Ash said upon reaching the huge laboratory.
"Took you long enough Ashy-boy," said Gary
"GARY!" said Ash
"Haha, you're late. And you know what that means. All 3 pokemon are taken. I'll be off. Being in your company is going to make me a worse pokemon trainer. Next time you see me, I'll be the strongest trainer in the world," Gary said walking off.
"You wish," I said.

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