Meteor Fragment

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Hello guys, I'm back. Exams are pain in the a**. But I'm back. I still got 3 days of exams left but I didn't have much pressure so I thought of a plan for this episode and wrote it. This episode is not going to be that good, but trust me, the next one is going to great (I hope).

With that out of the way, let's start prologue chapter 6


With the boulder badge in hand, Ash, Serena and Misty continue along through Kanto, now joined by Brock. 

Serena P.O.V.

"I can't believe that I actually got my first badge," I heard my best-friend, the raven-haired trainer from Pallet town, scream out in joy. I smiled at hearing that, seeing him so excited. What I heard next dampened me a bit.

"Yes, you won 1 badge. And it took you like 2 weeks. Gary probably has 4 badges by now," an orange-haired trainer said.

"Shut up Misty, you didn't win a badge," he replied
"I can beat Brock with my hands tied behind my back," Misty shouted back.

"Shut up, Misty. The only reason you would win is because of the humongous type mismatch. Now settle down. We're tired through our journeys through Route 3 and 4 and need rest," I shouted back. Surprisingly, I saw Misty smirk.

"Calm down Serena, let's have lunch for now," Brock said. "Then we'll continue on. The next trek of the journey will be tough."

"So, why did you say the trek will be tough, Brock" Ash asked.

"The next journey is through Mount Moon. Mount Moon is an interesting mountain, or plateau I should rather say," Brock answered.
"Plateau?" Misty asked.
"Mount Moon is the steepest mountain in the world. It's literally impossible to climb. But, there's a natural cave formed through its inside so its traversable. But it's long and is going to take us a day. We'll need to camp in there tonight."

Later on 

"Ok, the entrance to the cave is tough, Ash will you help me find the safest route. You 2 girls stay back." Brock said.

"Brock is so idiotic in front of girls, we literally need Ash's Beedrill to Poison Jab him. But in times like this, he is so reliable," I said.
"Yeah, that's true, but let's talk about something else," Misty said with a smirk. "Let's talk about Ash."
I felt my body heat up and cheeks turning red.
"What about him," I said, trying not to give away anything.

"Come on, you can't fool me. Your crush is pretty obvious. I wasn't sure at first, but after seeing you rush to Ash's defence today, I became sure of it." Misty said.
I didn't want to give my crush away, but I knew that it wasn't worth it. I have to tell Misty. Who knows, she might tell Ash. That would never do.

"Yeah, fine. Ash has been so nice and friendly and cheerful to me. I got this crush from a long time back. So, what are you gonna do now, tell him." I said, a little annoyed.
I hear a giggle from the girl next to me.
"No, you silly. I won't. So, when are you going to tell him."
"Not yet-"

"We found the way, let's go girls," I hear Brock say in the distance. "Just follow Ash."
"Ok, let's go," Misty said, still smirking at me. I sighed in exasperation.


"Location of meteor fragment found, destination, Mount Moon."


The next day

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