Chapter 29: Back in Eterna

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Alright, I'm not dead ok! You've seen the last announcement. You know what I'm talking about!

Note: I've written this chapter a long time after hiatus, so it will be quite rusty and rushed, that's why I've decided to write a special filler episode as chapter 30, which should help me write better in the long run. The next few episodes after this one will be important as it will be tackling the events of XYZ, a bit different from what I've planned. Either way, this chapter is definitely sub-par, but maybe I can polish it up in some future update.


The helicopter labelled R on the side landed quietly between the evergreen trees of the Eterna Forest. The forest was so peaceful in sight, with little to no pollution in it. But all the Team Rocket members in the helicopter knew the danger lurking ahead in their expedition. Fuji had reported the entire massacre at the Chateau beforehand. And to be honest it made everyone including Giovanni a bit uncomfortable.

The forest at night was serene and peaceful, but the members knew the dastardly dangers which lay ahead. The helicopter landed in a clearing, this time opting not to land in the Secret Team Rocket HQ in Eterna. Giovanni and 5 others, 3 of them being Team Rocket administrators like Proton, Petrel and most importantly, Tabitha.

"We certainly do appreciate you accompanying us, Tabitha," said Giovanni. "But I presume watching over Meteor Falls for months was not an engaging task."
"Oh no, it wasn't," said Tabitha. "That nosey champion of Hoenn, Steven Stone is his name has made that place his natural habitat. As long as he doesn't leave, we won't be able to recover the fragment."
"Yes, but you do know the dangers of this specific operation," said Giovanni. "We have little clue as to what we are dealing with here."
"I know, I am here to assist you," said Tabitha.
"Alright, let's move on," said Giovanni. "Standing in front us is the dreaded chateau. A place where nobody has gone to in the last 6 years according to records. Let's move in."

Cautiously, the party moved into the forbidding place. Giovanni shifted the open door with his hand and looked it, flashing his torch. The place was certainly miserable. Floors were cracked. and shifted off their place, portraits had fallen down and the doors were broken. However, none of these were in Giovanni's interests at that moment.

He quickly made his way to the hole in the floor, some way to the right of the floor. The contingent had come up behind him as well. Carefully Giovanni let down the rope and went down. The others were following him downwards when Giovanni interrupted.

"Initiate Plan A," he said.
"Already?" asked Archer. 
"Trust me," he said.
The members in part of the plan threw out 2 pokemon, 1 being a Luxray and another being a Victreebell.

"What do you sense Luxray?" Giovanni asked the electric type.

Luxray stood rooted at its spot at what she saw through her X-Ray eyes. What she saw was the corpses of several humans and pokemon in the room across. She also saw a purple glow come from the far end of the room. 

Luxray kept staring at it when she suddenly sensed something else. A movement on the far side. She hurriedly turned her head towards the movement but sensed nothing.

"We're here," said Petrel.
"Now where is that mystery pokemon," asked Proton. "Wait, who's that."

Proton flashed his torch around. It's light picked up a figure in a white overcoat and purple hair. He had white translucent glasses on him. Blood flowed from one part of its chest.

"It's Charon!" said Tabitha. "He really is dead. And look isn't that his Magnezone next to him?"
There was a dead Magnezone sitting right next to Tabitha as well, seeing this some of the members began to feel afraid. Who had done this.

"Well team," said Giovanni. "Time to keep going on-"

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